You are waiting for a decision You have applied for asylum

You have applied for asylum in Sweden and are waiting for a decision. Here you will find information about what applies while you wait.

  • Important to know
  • How it works

As an asylum seeker in Sweden, you have rights and obligations. It is important that you know about both. On these pages you will find information about matters such as housing, medical care, school and work. You will also find answers to questions about waiting times and decisions.

Important to know while you wait

We cannot say exactly how long it will take for you to receive a decision. All applications are handled individually, and the waiting times can therefore be different in length. After you have attended an asylum investigation interview, you may be summoned to several meetings before you receive a decision.

It is important that you come to the meetings to which the Swedish Migration Agency summons you. You may have to wait longer for your decision if we need to reschedule your appointment. Failure to show up for meetings to which you are summoned may also lead the Swedish Migration Agency to consider you uncooperative, and as a result we may decide to write off your application.

You can withdraw (take back) your application at any time during the processing period. Notify your case officer at the Swedish Migration Agency if you have changed your mind. Once you have withdrawn your application, you will receive a decision informing you that your application has been written off. In connection with this, you will also receive a refusal of entry or expulsion decision, if you are still in Sweden. In most cases, this means that you must leave Sweden and the Schengen area.

Depending on which country you come from, you may be able to receive support when you withdraw your application and return to your home country.

Reestablishment support

If you have new information that may affect your application, please contact the Swedish Migration Agency. For example, new information may include new grounds for your asylum application, information you have not provided before, or identification documents you have not shown us.

If you move, you must notify the Swedish Migration Agency of your new address, so that we can reach you when it is time for your investigation interview or other meetings.

Read your post regularly, so you don’t miss out on information from us.

Adressanmälan eller adressändring [Notification of Address or Change of Address] (Mot93, only in Swedish) Pdf, 692.6 kB.

1. Personal details

Fill in the names, phone numbers, and case numbers of all the people who are moving to the new address, including children.

2. Registered/New address


Enter the name of the person whose name is on the door of the residence/postbox. If your own name is on the door/postbox, you do not need to provide a c/o.

Street address:
Enter the name of the street on which the residence is located.

Apartment number:
If you live in an apartment, please specify the apartment number of the apartment, which consists of four digits. You can find the apartment number in the entrance of the building, on the door to your residence, on the postbox, or on your contract.

Postal code and town/city:
Postal code and town/city.

The address is valid from (enter the year, month and day):
Please indicate the date from which your new address applies; enter the year, month, and day.

3. Other information

Here you can provide information of which you think the Swedish Migration Agency should be aware.

4. Signature

If the change of address applies to more than one adult, the form must be signed by all persons over 18 years of age.

Submit or send the form to your Unit for Reception.

You can find the addresses of the Swedish Migration Agency’s Units for Reception on the contact details page:

Postal addresses

Your right to asylum may be affected if you leave the country. You must be available while your application is being processed, for example, so that you can come to the meetings to which you are summoned. If you are unavailable or have left the country, the Swedish Migration Agency may write off your application. If we do that, you may need to reapply for asylum.

You can receive our decision in two different ways. Once the Swedish Migration Agency has made a decision about your asylum application, we can inform you of the decision at a meeting with us, or notify you by post. Even if you receive the decision by post, you are always invited to a meeting with us, where we will inform you about the decision with the help of an interpreter. During this conversation, you will also have the opportunity to ask questions.

Be sure that your correct address is registered with the Swedish Migration Agency and that the names of all the adult members of your family members are listed on your letterbox. Check your post regularly and notify us if you move to a new address.

Notifying you of the decision is called “service”, and communicating the decision by post is called “simplified service”.

Read more about simplified service

Read more about what happens after a decision



The Swedish Migration Agency's new website has now been launched

On 5 March, the Swedish Migration Agency launched a completely new version of, with a new structure and a more user-friendly navigation. The purpose of the new website is primarily to make it easier for visitors to find the information they need.


If you are retur­ning to your country of origin, you can receive support worth EUR 5,000

If you withdraw your application for asylum or if it is rejected, you can receive support from the Swedish Migration Agency. On 1 March 2025, the support we provide for efforts to help you and your family members reintegrate into society in your country of origin will change. The amount of support you can get depends on when you choose to return.


Legis­la­tive change on accom­mo­da­tion and finan­cial support for asylum seekers

The Swedish Parliament has decided on a legislative change that will affect asylum seekers’ right to financial support and the option to live in their own accommodation. The change will be introduced in two stages. From 1 March, the change only applies to new asylum seekers, and from 1 September 2025, anyone who applied for asylum before 1 March and who lives in their own accommodation is also affected.


The Upper Secon­dary School Act ends on 20 January

January 20 is the last day to apply for a permanent residence permit under the Upper Secondary School Act. After this the law will expire, but many people who currently have a residence permit under the Upper Secondary School Act will be able to have their application for permanent residence considered even after January 20.


Now you can see your complete deci­sion on My Page

If you are waiting for a decision from the Swedish Migration Agency, you can now see the complete decision on My page. Previously, you have only been able to see if the decision is positive or negative, and the justification has only been sent home to you in paper format.