If you want to open a bank account
Only the Swedish Migration Agency can deposit money on the bank card that you receive from the Swedish Migration Agency. If you want to open a bank account into which your employer can deposit your wages/salary, you need to contact a bank. The bank offices themselves decide whether you meet their requirements to open an account with them.
All banks require you to be able to present identification documents, and they decide which documents they approve. Some banks allow asylum seekers to open a bank account even though their identification documents are in the possession of the Swedish Migration Agency. You must then be able to present a valid Asylum Seeker card and a copy of your identification documents. The Swedish Migration Agency must provide certification that these are genuine copies of the original document.
You also need to give the Swedish Migration Agency permission to certify to the bank that your information is correct. You can contact the nearest Unit for Reception and tell them you want to do this. The Swedish Migration Agency can then check the information you have provided to the bank, when they ask us to do so.
Certain banks require that you present a certificate of employment in order to open a bank account. You can get such a certificate of employment rom your employer.