You are waiting for a decision Accommodation – asylum

Information about accommodation for asylum seekers.

Once you have applied for asylum, you will be assigned a place at one of the Swedish Migration Agency’s accommodations. If you do not live in our accommodation, you will not receive any daily allowance or special grant from us. Exceptions can be made if you live with your immediate family who already reside in Sweden, or if other exceptional grounds exist.

If you do not live in the Swedish Migration Agency’s accommodation, you must notify us of your residential address. If you fail to do so, your application for asylum may be withdrawn.

If you applied for asylum before 1 March 2025 and live in your own housing, you will be assigned a place at a Swedish Migration Agency accommodation. To keep your daily allowance and special grant, you need to have moved into the accommodation by 31 August 2025.

Certain residential areas may affect your right to compensation

If you, before 1 September 2025, live in a residential area with social and economic challenges, you may lose the right to daily allowance and special allowance.

Here you can find out if the address to which you want to move is located in an area that may affect your right to compensation from the Swedish Migration Agency.

Enter the address:

If you do not live in one of the Swedish Migration Agency’s accommodations, you must notify us of your address. Use the form:

Adressanmälan eller adressändring [Notification of address or change of address] (Mot93, only in Swedish) Pdf, 692.6 kB.

1. Personal details

Fill in the names, phone numbers, and case numbers of all the people who are moving to the new address, including children.

2. Registered/New address


Enter the name of the person whose name is on the door of the residence/postbox. If your own name is on the door/postbox, you do not need to provide a c/o.

Street address:
Enter the name of the street on which the residence is located.

Apartment number:
If you live in an apartment, please specify the apartment number of the apartment, which consists of four digits. You can find the apartment number in the entrance of the building, on the door to your residence, on the postbox, or on your contract.

Postal code and town/city:
Postal code and town/city.

The address is valid from (enter the year, month and day):
Please indicate the date from which your new address applies; enter the year, month, and day.

3. Other information

Here you can provide information of which you think the Swedish Migration Agency should be aware.

4. Signature

If the change of address applies to more than one adult, the form must be signed by all persons over 18 years of age.

Submit or send the form to your Unit for Reception.

You can find the addresses of the Swedish Migration Agency’s Units for Reception on the contact details page:

Postal addresses

You cannot choose at which accomodation you will live; you must be prepared to be allocated a place in a location with available accommodation. You may also need to move to a new accommodation while you wait for a decision, in order to make room for someone else.

The accommodation often consists of a room that is shared with others. Families are always given their own room. Single people will share a room with others of the same sex.

If you are in a particularly vulnerable situation, you may be entitled to accommodation that is adapted to your needs. This may apply, for example, if you have a disability, suffer from physical or mental illness, or are LGBTQI, pregnant or elderly. If you have special needs regarding your living situation, talk to your Unit for Reception as soon as possible.

Everyone living in the accommodation should feel safe. It is important that everyone respects and shows consideration for each other, regardless of religion, gender, culture, or sexual orientation. Alcohol and drugs are completely prohibited in the Swedish Migration Agency’s accommodations.

All forms of violence are forbidden, punishable under Swedish law, and will be reported to the police. This applies both outside and within the family. Violence must not be used to raise children or against anyone else in the family.

If you are subjected to threats, violence or abusive treatment, you should notify the police or call 114 14. If the matter is urgent, call 112. It is also important that you talk to the staff at the accommodation or at your Unit for Reception.

Help for those who are living with domestic violence

If you have an income or your own assets, you must pay for your accommodation, as well as for any food provided at the accommodation. If you don’t have any money, you don’t have to pay anything.

How much you pay for the accommodation depends on whether food is served at the accommodation. If you are a family, the cost is determined by the number of family members.

Married and cohabiting partners have a responsibility to provide for their partner if the partner has no money of their own. Parents are responsible for their children’s financial support. If only one partner has an income, they pay for the entire family’s accommodation and any food. If your family's income changes, you have an obligation to inform your Unit for Reception.

If it appears that you have made money without telling the Swedish Migration Agency, we can decide that you should pay for rent and possibly food retroactively, that is, for a period of time that has already passed.

Accommodation fee

Adults: SEK 2,100 per person per month.

Children: SEK 1,050 per child per month. You only have to pay for up to two children, even if there are more than two children in your family.

Fee for food, when meals are included

In some accommodations, meals are served in a shared dining area. If you live in an accommodation where food is provided, you must pay for the food every month, even if you sometimes choose not to eat the food that is served.

If food is served at the accommodation, then in addition to the cost of your accommodation, you must pay (per person and month):

  • Single adult: SEK 1,410
  • Cohabiting and married couples who live together: SEK 1,260
  • Children up to 3 years of age: SEK 750
  • Children aged 4 to 10: SEK 930
  • Children aged 11 to 17: 1,140 SEK
  • Young adults aged 18–20 who live with their parents: SEK 1,260.

You must pay for the cost of food for all children in the family.

Exemptions from fees

In some cases, you do not have to pay for food and accommodation. This applies when the money you have left after you have paid for food and accommodation falls below a certain limit, the national standard for income support. Please tell your Unit for Reception about your financial situation. They will then help you figure out whether or not you need to pay for your accommodation and food.

Here you can read about how the national standard for income support is calculated (only in Swedish) External link.

The Swedish Migration Agency offers you accommodation while you are an asylum seeker. When you receive a decision in your residence permit application case, this may also lead to the termination of your right to accommodation, or mean that you must move to a return centre.

Read about what happens after you have received a decision



The Swedish Migration Agency's new website has now been launched

On 5 March, the Swedish Migration Agency launched a completely new version of, with a new structure and a more user-friendly navigation. The purpose of the new website is primarily to make it easier for visitors to find the information they need.


If you are retur­ning to your country of origin, you can receive support worth EUR 5,000

If you withdraw your application for asylum or if it is rejected, you can receive support from the Swedish Migration Agency. On 1 March 2025, the support we provide for efforts to help you and your family members reintegrate into society in your country of origin will change. The amount of support you can get depends on when you choose to return.


Legis­la­tive change on accom­mo­da­tion and finan­cial support for asylum seekers

The Swedish Parliament has decided on a legislative change that will affect asylum seekers’ right to financial support and the option to live in their own accommodation. The change will be introduced in two stages. From 1 March, the change only applies to new asylum seekers, and from 1 September 2025, anyone who applied for asylum before 1 March and who lives in their own accommodation is also affected.


The Upper Secon­dary School Act ends on 20 January

January 20 is the last day to apply for a permanent residence permit under the Upper Secondary School Act. After this the law will expire, but many people who currently have a residence permit under the Upper Secondary School Act will be able to have their application for permanent residence considered even after January 20.


Now you can see your complete deci­sion on My Page

If you are waiting for a decision from the Swedish Migration Agency, you can now see the complete decision on My page. Previously, you have only been able to see if the decision is positive or negative, and the justification has only been sent home to you in paper format.