About the Swedish Migration Agency Proces­sing of personal data

The Swedish Migration Agency processes personal data that is submitted to the Agency or collected through our website (www.migrationsverket.se) and online services.

The Swedish Migration Agency processes personal data

  • in accordance with the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  • in accordance with the Act on the Personal Data of Aliens (2016:27) and the Personal Data of Aliens Ordinance (2016:30)
  • in accordance with the register regulations, which contain, among other things, provisions allowing the data to be processed without the consent of the data subject
  • in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act (2018:218)
  • sometimes in accordance with other EU ordinances and directives.

Ytterligare information finns i vissa av de formulär som du hämtar från Migrationsverkets e-tjänster samt i de lagar och författningar som gäller för Migrationsverket.

Purpose of proces­sing

The Swedish Migration Agency processes personal data in order to be able to carry out the application process. The Swedish Migration Agency processes your personal data in order to identify you. Your personal data is also used in associated functions, such as records of applicants and submitted documents, and in order to file your application. We also save personal data when you ask questions through forms on the website, in order to be able to answer the questions better.

Personal Data Controller

The Swedish Migration Agency is the data controller for the processing of personal data submitted to the Agency or collected via the website (www.migrationsverket.se) and our online services. The Swedish Migration Agency is also data controller for the automated personal data processing that takes place at Swedish missions abroad.

Information on how to reach us is available on the page Contact us. There may be exceptions in cases where personal data is being processed by another public authority or organisation.

Infor­ma­tion about personal data proces­sing

Information about personal data processing is provided in connection with the Swedish Migration Agency's e-services.

More information regarding the processing of personal data involving an e-service is provided together with the e-service. Information can also be provided by another public authority or organisation if it is the above that is processing personal data.


In order to protect your personal data, the Swedish Migration Agency has physical and electronic protections that meet security requirements. However, if you use a public computer, e.g. at a library or internet café, you should be careful because you do not know what is installed on the computer. For example, you do not know whether the computer has working, up-to-date antivirus protection. It is also important that you close your browser when you are done with your application and leave the computer.

Dataskyddsförordningen (GDPR) External link.

Utlänningsdatalagen SFS 2016:27 External link.

Utlänningsdataförordningen SFS 2016:30 External link.

Integritetsskyddsmyndigheten External link.

Användarvillkor för Migrationsverkets e-tjänster

After being examined, your personal data may be disclosed, to parties that need to access the data due to a legal obligation, for a purpose of general interest such as the collection of statistical data, or for a purpose connected with the exercise of the functions of a public authority where it is necessary to process the data. The Swedish Migration Agency may forward personal data provided via the website if the Agency is the wrong authority for the information to be addressed to, and it should be passed on in order to end up in the right place. The transfer of personal data takes place in accordance with personal data- or confidentiality legislation.

If your application concerns a residence permit according to the EU's Temporary Protection Directive, the Swedish Migration Agency can share your personal data in an EU-wide database.

Proces­sing of personal data at another autho­rity or orga­ni­sa­tion

Processing can be done at a different public authority, provided that this authority has the right to process the personal data in question. In such cases, the authority or organisation in question can be responsible for the processing of personal data.

Prin­ciple of public access to offi­cial docu­ments

The Swedish Migration Agency is a government agency. As such, the Swedish Migration Agency is subject to the Principle of Public Access to Official Documents. This means that all documents, including personal data, that are submitted to the Swedish Migration Agency become public domain documents that can be disclosed to anyone who so requests. In some cases, however, data may be considered confidential, and are therefore not disclosed.

You have the right to receive information from the Swedish Migration Agency regarding what data about you is processed, and you can request correction, transfer, deletion or restriction of the processing of your personal data.

In regards to requests for deletion, it is important to understand that, as a general rule, national archival regulations require that personal data be stored.

You can contact the Swedish Migration Agency's Data Protection Officer at dataskyddsombud@migrationsverket.se if you have questions about personal data processing.

You have the right to file a complaint with the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection if you feel that the Swedish Migration Agency is processing your personal data in a wrong or wrongful manner.

Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection External link.

Request information about personal data

The Swedish Migration Agency uses camera surveillance at several locations in the country to prevent, investigate and reveal crimes and to prevent accidents. At the same time, personal privacy must be protected in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and the Camera Surveillance Act.

The Swedish Migration Agency has camera surveillance at a number of offices and premises connected to our operations. This may, for example, involve receptions and waiting rooms at our Service Centres, which are monitored to increase the safety of our visitors and employees, or monitoring of facades and entrances to prevent and investigate targeted vandalism.

The surveillance is carried out with fixed camera solutions. At locations where the Swedish Migration Agency has detention operations, certain nearby areas are also monitored.

The purpose of the surveillance is to prevent, deter and detect criminal activity at the location and to be able to provide criminal investigation authorities with evidence afterwards.

The Swedish Migration Agency provides information about the camera surveillance through signs at the location being monitored.

The Swedish Migration Agency usually saves material from camera surveillance for one month. However, the material can be saved longer if necessary, for example in connection with a criminal investigation.