About the Swedish Migration Agency About the website

Here you will find technical and legal information about the website, and tips on how to customize it for your needs.

At migrationsverket.se you can use our e-services to apply for different types of permits and access our information. The website has approximately 900,000 visitors each month.


The site works best in newer versions of Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari.


The website may have a slightly different appearance in different browsers, but all contents are accessible. For the website to work for all users, regardless of whether they are surfing on their computer or mobile phone, the best way to access it is with JavaScript enabled.

To use our online applications as well as our online appointment service your browser has to support JavaScript and permit cookies.

The online applications will only allow attachments in certain formats. These formats are specified under each online service.

Docu­ments on the website

On this website, you will find links to documents in various formats. In order to open them you will often need a software in addition to your browser. You can download such software from the Internet.

Pdf documents can be read with the free software Adobe Reader.

Download Adobe Reader External link.

The Swedish Migration Agency website will adapt to function well whether you visit it on your mobile phone, tablet or computer. It does not matter what browser you use either. The website may have a slightly different appearance in different browsers, but all contents are accessible.

Listen to the website

If you want to have the information on the website read aloud, there is a function to listen. You find the function at the top left of the page. When you click the Listen button, a player opens that immediately begins reading the text on the page. In the player, you can pause, stop and restart the reading.

Change the text size

If you think the text on the pages is too small or too large, you can easily change the size of the page with your browser's built-in features. You can find options to change the text size in your browser's menus. In most modern browsers you do this by pressing and holding the Ctrl key and spinning the mouse wheel.

Navigate with the keyboard

If you have difficulty using a mouse, it is often easier to navigate using the keyboard. In most browsers, you can do this by using the Tab key to jump from one link to the next, and Enter to activate a link.

To jump to the previous link, press Shift + Tab.

If it doesn't work in your browser, there should be information on how to do it in your browser's documentation or help system.

Other languages

Most of the website is available in both Swedish and English. Some of the information is also available in multiple languages. If a page is available in another language other than Swedish, there is a button to select a language at the top left of the page. To change the language on a web page, click the button and select the language you want from the menu. You can find all the languages ​​on the Other languages ​​page.

Accessibility report

If you want to know more about the extent to which the Swedish Migration Agency's websites and digital services comply with the law on accessibility in digital public services, see the page Accessibility Report (in Swedish).

Information in alter­na­tive formats – for people with disabilities

If you have a disability and would like specific information from the Swedish Migration Agency in a way that you can access, we will try to help you get information in an alternative format. You can submit your request via the form Request information in alternative formats form (in Swedish).

To protect your personal data, we have physical and electronic safeguards for our online services that meet security requirements. However, if you are using a public computer, for example at a library or internet café, you should be extra careful as you do not know what has been installed on that computer. For example, you cannot be sure that the computer has a functioning and updated virus protection. It is also important that you close your browser after you have completed your application and leave the computer. The Migration Agency online services have a built-in security function that closes down your session once you have been inactive for a certain period.

Use of mate­rial, copy­right

Fotografier och illustrationer är skyddade av upphovsrätten och får inte användas utan Migrationsverkets tillstånd. Undantaget är de bilder du hittar på sidan Pressbilder. All text på vår webbplats är fri att använda och sprida vidare förutsatt att du anger Migrationsverket som källa. Om material från webbplatsen redigeras sker publicering på eget ansvar.

All text on our website is free to use and distribute provided that you cite the Swedish Migration Board as the source. If material from the website is edited, publication is at your own risk. Photographs and illustrations are protected by copyright of the photographer or illustrator, and may not be used without the Swedish Migration Agency's permission. The exception is the images you find on the Press images page.

The prin­ciple of public access to offi­cial records

The Swedish Migration Agency is a government authority. As such, the Migration Agency must adhere to the principle of public access to official records. This means that all documents, including personal data, submitted to the Migration Agency become public records, which may be handed over to any person who asks for them. However, sometimes the information can be made confidential, in which case it may not be shared.

Linking policy

Please feel free to link to www.migrationsverket.se, but remember to

  • never use the Swedish Migration Agency logo to link to our website. This is to avoid any confusion about who is responsible for the information on the website where the link is provided
  • never link in a way that places the Swedish Migration Agency website inside the frameset of another website.


Any information you or an accepted third party submits about you must be truthful and correct. Knowingly submitted false information may result in criminal liability.

Limi­ta­tion of liabi­lity

The Migration Agency's e-services are provided 'as is' and without any form of guarantee for accuracy, quality or that they are available for use. Any inaccurate information on the website does not influence the handling of individual applications.


PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) is an international standard for the protection of documents and contents of IT systems that are open to the public. The Swedish Migration Agency uses PKI.

How we handle personal data

Your personal data can come to us in various ways, for example via e-services, forms and web forms. Personal data can be name, address and social security number, but also a picture or a case file number.

Processing of personal data