Children who have applied for asylum have the right to attend preschool and school.
Children are entitled to preschool from one year of age. Preschool is not just a way to look after children while their parents work or study. A child may have their own need to participate in preschool activities in order to feel good and develop, even if their parents are at home.
From the autumn term of the year that children turn six, they have the right to go to school. School is free, and all children must attend compulsory primary school for ten years.
Upon completion of primary school, young people are entitled to upper secondary education, as long as they begin the education before they turn 18. Upper secondary school can prepare young people for higher education or teach them a profession.
The municipality is responsible for schooling
It is the municipality where you live that will ensure that your child gets a place at a school.
In order for the Swedish Migration Agency to notify the municipality that you want your child to go to school, you need to give us your consent. We can then send information about your child’s name, date of birth, language, country of origin, and case number to the municipality. You can also contact the municipality yourself and tell them you want your children to attend school or preschool.