You are waiting for a decision Financial aid – asylum

Information about financial aid opportunities for asylum seekers.

If you have applied for asylum, you must generally support yourself financially. If you do not earn your own money or have other assets, you can apply for financial aid from the Swedish Migration Agency.

If you live in your own housing, you will not receive any daily allowance or special grant from the Swedish Migration Agency. However, this does not apply if you live with your immediate family who already reside in Sweden, or if other exceptional grounds exist.

If you applied for asylum before 1 March 2025 and live in your own housing, then in order to keep your daily allowance and special grant, you must have moved into Swedish Migration Agency accommodation no later than 31 August 2025.

The financial aid consists of different parts: daily allowance and special grants.

When you apply for asylum, you must tell the Swedish Migration Agency how much money or other assets you have. If you do not have your own assets, you will receive a daily allowance to cover your day-to-day expenses. Married and cohabiting couples share responsibility for their family’s finances. This means that the Swedish Migration Agency will also take your partner’s income into account when assessing whether or not you have the right to financial aid.

Inform us if your financial situation changes

You must inform the Swedish Migration Agency if your financial situation changes, for example, if you or your partner gets a job. It is a criminal offence not to inform us that you or your partner are earning money at the same time as you are paid a daily allowance.

Read more about what to do if you are offered a job while waiting for a decision

The amount of your daily allowance depends on whether you live in your own housing, a Swedish Migration Agency accommodation where food is provided, or in an accommodation where food is not provided. The amount of daily allowance you receive also depends on whether you live together with a spouse or cohabiting partner.

Daily allowance when food is provided at the accommodation

  • Single adults: SEK 24/day
  • Adults who live together with their partner: SEK 19/day per person
  • Young people aged 18–20 who live together with their parents: SEK 19/day
  • Children up to 17 years of age: SEK 12/day.

Daily allowance when food is not provided at the accommodation or if you live in your own housing

  • Single adults: SEK 71/day
  • Adults who live together with their partner: SEK 61/day per person
  • Young people aged 18–20 who live together with their parents: SEK 61/day per person
  • Children aged 11–17: SEK 50/day
  • Children aged 4–10: SEK 43/day
  • Children aged 0–3: SEK 37/day.

Families with more than two children receive a full daily allowance for each of the two oldest children and half a daily allowance for each of the other children.

In addition to food, the daily allowance needs to cover clothing and shoes, medical care and medicine, dental care, hygiene items, other consumables and leisure activities.

The daily allowance can be reduced or withdrawn

The daily allowance can be reduced in these cases:

  • If you do not help us to establish your identity, for example if you fail to submit identity documents or assist us in obtaining them.
  • If you complicate the investigation of your asylum application through your absence, for example by failing to attend the meetings to which the Swedish Migration Agency summons you.
  • If you do not cooperate in preparing for your return home, if you have received a refusal of entry or expulsion decision.

You may lose the right to daily allowance if you move to a residential area with social and economic challenges. You may also lose the right to daily allowance and special grant if you provide an address other than the one where you actually live, such as a post box address.

Check if the address to which you want to move may affect your right to compensation

Apply for daily allowance

Fill in the form, sign it, and submit or send it to the Swedish Migration Agency Unit for Reception with which you are registered.

Ansökan om dagersättning [Application for daily allowance] (Mot23, only in Swedish) Pdf, 1.1 MB.

It is important that you fill in the application correctly, so that the Swedish Migration Agency can make a decision without asking you for more information. If information is missing, the Swedish Migration Agency may need to ask you to complete your application, which may extend the time to a decision.

1. Personal details

Fill in the application with your personal details and contact details. You need to enter your surname and given name, address, date of birth, sex, citizenship and case number with the Swedish Migration Agency in the application. The case number can be found at the top of the documents we send you.

2. Financial declaration

Fill in if you and your partner (if you have one) have income in the form of salary from employment or grants/allowances from other authorities or organisations, such as sickness benefits, parental benefits, or child allowance from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan). Also state any allowances, grants, and other funds you receive from your country of origin, such as child support and pension.

State whether you and your partner (if you have one) have any cash, and specify how much.

Financial assets
Fill in if you and your partner (if you have one) have financial assets, such as a car, bank deposits in Sweden or abroad, your own company, shares, or assets abroad that you can sell for cash.

3. Sign the application

By signing the application, you solemnly declare that the information you have written in the application is correct and truthful.

Special grants are intended for needs that are not covered by the daily allowance. To receive a special grant, you must prove that you have a great need for the item or service and that you cannot pay for it yourself.

You can apply for one of the following special grant packages:

  • standard package for infants (0–1 years)
  • standard package for school supplies
  • standard package for winter clothes
  • baby carriage
  • eyeglasses.

You can also apply for a special grant for expenses for medical care, medication, and medical travel.

You can also apply for grants for needs that are not covered by the standard packages or which relate to medical care and medication expenses. You can only get a grant for the cheapest options required to meet your need.

The Swedish Migration Agency will always make an individual assessment of your need.

Apply for a special grant

Fill in the form, sign it, and submit or send it to the Swedish Migration Agency Unit for Reception with which you are registered.

Ansökan om särskilt bidrag [Application for a special grant] (Mot78, only in Swedish) Pdf, 671.8 kB.

Unaccompanied minors should use form Mot72:

Ansökan om särskilt bidrag för ensamkommande barn och ungdomar [Application for a special grant for unaccompanied minors] (Mot72, only in Swedish) Pdf, 672.1 kB.

1. Personal details

Fill in the personal details of the person to whom the application relates.

2. Report your financial situation

2.1 Fill in if you and your partner have income in the form of salary from employment or grants/allowances from other authorities or organisations, such as sickness benefits, parental benefits, or child allowance from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan). If the application is being submitted on behalf of a child, their parents’ income must also be filled in. Write asset amounts in numeric form.

2.2 Fill in whether you and your partner have more cash on hand than any daily allowance you receive from the Swedish Migration Agency. If the application is being submitted on behalf of a child, their parents’ cash reserves must also be filled in. Write asset amounts in numeric form.

2.3 Fill in if you and your partner have financial assets, such as a car, bank deposits in Sweden or abroad, your own company, shares, or assets abroad that you can sell to get cash. If the application is being submitted on behalf of a child, their parents’ assets must also be filled in. Write asset amounts in numeric form.

3. Signature

4. Selection of special grant packages

Tick the box next to the special grant package for which you are applying. If whatever you want to pay for using the special grant do not fit into one of the package categories, move on to item 5 or item 6.

5. Application for a grant for expenses for medical care and medication

Tick the box next to what you want to apply for and then describe in as much detail as possible what the grant is needed for. Attach any receipts and prescription specifications on which the name of the applicant is stated.

6. If your need does not fit into the standard packages, describe it here

If whatever you want to pay for using a special grant does not fall into the categories outlined in item 4 or item 5, clearly describe what you need the grant for and how much money you need to be able to buy the product or service. Also describe why you need the product or service. Write which documents you are submitting with the application.

Once the Swedish Migration Agency has made a decision about your application for financial aid, you will receive the decision either through a case officer at your Unit for Reception or through so-called “simplified service”.

Simplified service means that two letters are sent to the address you gave us: a decision and a verification message. After two weeks, the Swedish Migration Agency considers you to have been served (notified of the decision). After that, you have three weeks to appeal the decision.

If the address you gave us cannot be used and you are listed in the Swedish Population Register, the decision and the verification letter may be sent to your registered address.

Remember to check your mail/post regularly.

Read more about simplified service

You will receive a bank card

If you are granted daily allowance from the Swedish Migration Agency, you will receive a bank card that is linked to the account into which the money is deposited.

If there are multiple adults in your family, each will receive their own bank card.

Bank card for asylum seekers

If you believe that the Swedish Migration Agency has made the wrong decision about your compensation, you have the right to appeal. In that case, you must submit your appeal to the Swedish Migration Agency within three weeks from the date on which you received the decision. If the Swedish Migration Agency does not change the decision, your appeal will be submitted to the Administrative Court, which will re-examine the decision. If the Administrative Court rejects your appeal, you can appeal to the Administrative Court of Appeal.

Appeal a decision

If you have general questions about financial aid for asylum seekers, you can call the Swedish Migration Agency.

If you have questions about your own compensation, you will need to visit your Unit for Reception. For reasons of confidentiality, the Swedish Migration Agency's employees cannot discuss these matters over the phone. Bring your Asylum Seeker card (LMA card) with you when you visit the Unit for Reception.



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If you are retur­ning to your country of origin, you can receive support worth EUR 5,000

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Now you can see your complete deci­sion on My Page

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