Simplified service

Once the Swedish Migration Agency has made a decision about an application, we can inform the applicant of the outcome in different ways, for example at a meeting or by post. Informing someone of a decision in this way is called “service”.

In some cases, the Swedish Migration Agency uses something called “simplified service” to notify people of our decisions. We may use simplified service in cases where it is important for you to be informed of the decision in order for it to be enforced, for example when we decide to refuse someone entry to Sweden or expel them from the country, or when someone has applied for asylum or financial assistance. The Swedish Migration Agency will inform you about whether you may receive decisions through simplified service.

How simplified service is carried out

When the Swedish Migration Agency notifies you of a decision via simplified service, we will send the decision by post to the address you have given us. On the next business day, we will send a new letter containing a so-called “control message”. The control message states that we have sent the decision to you and the date on which the decision was sent.

Two weeks after the decision was sent, the Swedish Migration Agency automatically considers you to have been served (notified of) the decision.

The decision takes effect

The date on which service took place is important. If you want to appeal the decision, you have three weeks to do so, counted from the date on which you were served. Once three weeks have passed from the date of service, the decision takes effect (gains the force of law) and you can no longer appeal it.

Since you are automatically considered to have been served two weeks after we sent the decision to you, and you then have three weeks to appeal, this means that the decision will take effect five weeks after it was sent to you, when we use simplified service.

If we have decided to reject your application for a residence permit, you are often given two or four weeks to leave Sweden, calculated from the date on which the decision takes effect. You can see in the decision what applies to you.

If you have applied for asylum, you will always be invited to a meeting

If you have applied for asylum, you will always be invited to a meeting at your unit for reception, even if you receive the decision via simplified service. At this meeting, you will receive information about the decision with the help of an interpreter. If you visit your unit for reception within two weeks of the date on which the decision was sent to you, the Swedish Migration Agency will count the day of the meeting as the day on which you were served the decision.

With simplified service, the decision takes effect even if you do not show up when you are summoned to a meeting with the Swedish Migration Agency.

The Swedish Migration Agency must have the correct address for you

It is important that your correct address is registered with the Swedish Migration Agency and that the names of all the adult members of your family are listed on your letterbox. Check your post regularly and notify us if you move to a new address.