You are waiting for a decision Asylum Seeker card (LMA card)

If you are an asylum seeker, you will receive an Asylum Seeker card (LMA card) as proof that you are allowed to be in Sweden while you wait for a decision in your case.

Your Asylum Seeker card is called "LMA" cards in Swedish. “LMA” stands for “Lagen om mottagande av asylsökande”, which translates to “the Act on Reception of Asylum Seekers”. Always carry your LMA card with you to show that you are an asylum seeker and have the right to be in Sweden while you wait for a decision. The LMA card is valid throughout the country and is issued by the Swedish Migration Agency.

When you apply for asylum in Sweden, you will be photographed, so that we can issue you an LMA card. The card replaces the receipt you received when you submitted your application for asylum. The card is personal, so only you can use it, and you cannot use it as an identification document.

A plastic card with a photo and other information.

How to use your LMA card

Keep your LMA card with you at all times, so you can present it in contact with authorities, employers or health and medical care providers, for example.

Below the photo on your LMA card is your case number at the Swedish Migration Agency. When you contact us, it is useful to have that number available. With the help of your case number, we can quickly produce the information we have about your application.

Present your LMA card when your contact national authorities or when you need to show an employer that you have the right to work. If you have a job and want to open a bank account, you must present your LMA card to the bank.

In some cases, you may use the LMA card as proof of your identity when collecting postal packages from abroad or registered mail from the Swedish Migration Agency.

If you present your LMA card at the pharmacy, you will pay less for most medications prescribed by a physician. In some cases, you will also pay a lower patient fee if you present your LMA card when you visit a health/medical care provider.

The LMA card’s period of validity

You will have an LMA card for the duration of your time as an asylum seeker, but the validity of the card needs to be extended regularly by the Swedish Migration Agency. This is because we cannot know in advance how long you will have to wait for a decision in your case.

The LMA card’s period of validity is updated digitally, and we can extend its expiry date by three months each time you visit the Swedish Migration Agency, regardless of the reason for your visit. When you visit us, please ask if the validity of your card has been extended.

If you have not visited us for a few months, you will receive a reminder two weeks before your card expires. If your children also have LMA cards that need to be extended, they will need to accompany you to the Swedish Migration Agency.

The LMA card has a QR code

The LMA card has a QR code that allows anyone with access to a QR reader to easily check

  • if the card is valid
  • if you have the right to work (AT-UND status).

Scanning the QR code does not reveal any other personal information about you.

If you receive AT-UND status, this will be registered directly on your LMA card, and your employer can verify your status by scanning the QR code.

If you lose your LMA card

If your Asylum Seeker card is stolen or lost, you must report this to your Unit for Reception or Service Centre. The Swedish Migration Agency will then block your card and order a new one.

The Swedish Migration Agency's addresses and opening hours

Book an appointment for your visit



The Swedish Migration Agency's new website has now been launched

On 5 March, the Swedish Migration Agency launched a completely new version of, with a new structure and a more user-friendly navigation. The purpose of the new website is primarily to make it easier for visitors to find the information they need.


If you are retur­ning to your country of origin, you can receive support worth EUR 5,000

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Legis­la­tive change on accom­mo­da­tion and finan­cial support for asylum seekers

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Now you can see your complete deci­sion on My Page

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