Instruc­tions for the appli­ca­tion for a special grant

Instruktioner till ansökan om särskilt bidrag – engelska

1. Personal details

Fill in the personal details of the person to whom the application relates.

2. Report your financial situation

  • 2.1. Fill in if you and your partner have income in the form of salary from employment or grants/allowances from other authorities or organisations, such as sickness benefits, parental benefits, or child allowance from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan). If the application is being submitted on behalf of a child, their parents’ income must also be filled in. Write income amounts in numeric form.
  • 2.2. Fill in whether you and your partner have more cash on hand than any daily allowance you receive from the Swedish Migration Agency. If the application is being submitted on behalf of a child, their parents’ cash reserves must also be filled in. Write income amounts in numeric form.
  • 2.3. Fill in if you and your partner have financial assets, such as a car, bank deposits in Sweden or abroad, your own company, shares, or assets abroad that you can sell to get cash. If the application is being submitted on behalf of a child, their parents’ assets must also be filled in. Write asset amounts in numeric form.

3. Signature

By signing the application, you certify on your honour that

  • the information you have provided in the application is correct
  • you understand that you must report changes to your finances that may affect your entitlement to the grant or the amount your receive
  • you are aware that providing incorrect information can be considered to constitute benefit fraud, which may lead to a police report
  • you have understood what you are signing.

4. Selection of special grant packages

Tick the box next to the special grant package for which you are applying. If whatever you want to pay for using the special grant do not fit into one of the package categories, move on to Item 5 (medical care and medication) or Item 6.

5. Application for a grant for expenses for medical care and medication

Tick the box next to what you want to apply for and then describe in as much detail as possible what the grant is needed for. Attach any receipts and prescription specifications on which the name of the applicant is stated.

6. If your need does not fit into the standard packages, describe it here

If whatever you want to pay for using a special grant does not fall into the categories outlined in Item 4 or Item 5, clearly describe what you need the grant for and how much money you need to be able to buy the product or service. Also describe why you need the product or service. Write which documents you submit with the application.

It is important that you fill in the application correctly, so that the Swedish Migration Agency can make a decision without asking you for more information. If information is missing and this makes it impossible to assess your needs, the Swedish Migration Agency may also decide to reject your application.

Submit your form to your Unit for Reception, in person or by post.

Postal addresses of the Swedish Migration Agency's Units for Reception

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