For those who want to visit or live in Sweden For those who want to visit or live in Sweden For those who want to visit or live in Sweden

Two women sitting on a sofa, each with a computer on their lap.

The Migration Agency answers

The Swedish Migration Agency answers is a series of articles where we use facts and figures to describe different parts of the Migration Agency's activities: from waiting times and maintenance requirement to detention and return.

A hand holds a mobile phone with notifications on the screen.

Follow us on social media

Follow the Swedish Migration Agency on social media to get information and knowledge about migration to Sweden. We are happy to answer general questions, but we cannot answer questions about individual cases.

People walking through an airport with suitcases.
If you are going to leave Sweden
Are you going to leave Sweden? Here you will find information relating to your situation, for example if you have had your application for a residence permit rejected and therefore do not have the right to remain in the country, or if you yourself have decided to move from Sweden.
Read about leaving Sweden

For employers

Information for employers planning to employ people who need a permit to work in Sweden.

For employers

For press

In our press room, journalists writing about our matters can find information.

Press room

About the Swedish Migration Agency

Learn more about the Swedish Migration Agency.

About us



Track change abolished and rules on statutory limitation period changed

The Swedish Parliament has decided to abolish the possibility of changing tracks, to change the rules on statutory limitation periods for deportation decisions, and to give the Swedish Migration Agency the possibility to decide on longer re-entry bans. The new rules will enter into force on 1 April.

Två kvinnor som sitter i en soffa med varsin laptop i knät
The Swedish Migra­tion Agency answers
The Swedish Migration Agency answers is a series of articles where we use facts and figures to describe different parts of the Swedish Migration Agency's activities.
The Swedish Migra­tion Agency answers

About Swedish society

Read about Swedish society and what rights and obligations you have as a resident of Sweden. Information for both adults and children.

About Swedish society

Word explanations

Explanations and in-depth information for words and concepts that appear in the migration process.

Word explanations