For private individuals

As a private individual, you can contact us in several different ways, for example via email or telephone. By logging in to My Page you can contact us about your personal case.

When will I receive a deci­sion?

The Swedish Migration Agency cannot say exactly when you will receive your decision. All applications are different and take different lengths of time to process. On the page Waiting times, you can see statistics about waiting times.

You cannot get more information about the expected waiting time in your case by calling, emailing or visiting the Swedish Migration Agency.

Before you contact us

Before you contact us, we recommend that you read our questions and answers to see if your question can be answered directly.

We cannot say exactly when you will receive a decision, as all applications are different and take different lengths of time to process. Each case is examined individually, but on the page Waiting times, we present statistics for different types of permits, showing how long it has taken for people with similar applications to receive a decision.

You cannot get more information about when you will receive a decision by calling, emailing or visiting the Swedish Migration Agency.

About waiting times

The waiting time is affected by many different factors, such as the type of application and the completeness of your application. It is also affected by the number of applications currently being processed by the Swedish Migration Agency.

Different applications also take different lengths of time to investigate. Before we can reach a decision in your case, the Swedish Migration Agency may need to carry out one or more of the following steps:

  • check documents, data, and passports
  • ask questions and request more information
  • carry out checks with other authorities
  • conduct an interview at an embassy (only certain types of applications)
  • ensure that the conditions for the new permit are met and have been met during the previous permit period, if the application relates to an extension.

If several family members apply at the same time, in certain cases the waiting time for one family member may be affected by the processing of another family member’s application.

There are certain factors that the Swedish Migration Agency cannot influence, such as how long it takes to obtain information or carry out checks with other authorities.

If you submitted your application via one of our e-services and have subsequently created a two-step verified account on My page, you can view current information about your application yourself. The Swedish Migration Agency cannot provide more information about what is happening in your case at a specific time.

If we need more information in order to make a decision, we will contact you. You cannot get more information about the expected waiting time in your case by calling, emailing or visiting the Swedish Migration Agency.

We will contact you if your case needs to be supplemented with more information. In that case, you will be contacted by post or email, depending on whether you applied via a paper form or an e-service. If you have a representative who is representing you in your case, we will contact them instead. If you have an account on Min sida (My Page), any request by the Swedish Migration Agency to supplement the application will appear there.

If we do not contact you, please do not submit more documents than those you have already provided with your application. You will not receive a decision any faster if you submit more documents or documents that we have not requested.

To appeal a decision, you must have had it sent to you by post. You can read in the decision whether it is possible to appeal it. The decision also contains information on how to appeal.

Contact options

If you have a question about your case, you can log in to My page to send secure messages to us.

Log in to My page

My page

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Project to increase the percen­tage of answered telep­hone calls

On 1 April 2023, the project ”Förbättrad service – Kontaktcenter” (Better service – Contact Centre) started. The project aims to strengthen the resources within Contact Centre’s telephone service, with the goal of increasing the percentage of answered telephone calls. The project is funded by the EU's Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF).

Read more about the project ”Förbättrad service – Kontaktcenter” (in Swedish)

The European Union.