Find us on social media

If you are interested in migration issues, you can find relevant information and news in the Migration Agency's social media channels.

The Migration Agency is online to give you an opportunity to get information about our organisation, or mission and news. Besides visiting our website you can also follow us in social media: Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), LinkedIn and Youtube.

The Swedish Migra­tion Agency on social media

The Swedish Migration Agency's social media presence serves to explain the agency's mission and to provide information about migration to Sweden. We do this by publishing texts, short films and infographics as a complement to the facts published on our website. We also answer questions from the public.

It is not possible for us to engage in exhaustive discussions, nor answer questions regarding individual cases via social media. For personal questions or questions about your case, contact us by email or phone.

Contact us – If you are a private individual

On Facebook we publish texts, short films and infographics about the Swedish Migration Agency's mission and about the migration to Sweden.

The Swedish Migration Agency’s Facebook page External link.

The Swedish Migration Agency's can be found on X (formerly Twitter) to follow the debate on migration. The account is not moderated and therefore we do not answer any questions on X.

The Swedish Migration Agency’s X account External link.

The Swedish Migration Agency sees LinkedIn as a means of telling people about the agency as an employer and workplace.

The Migration Agency on LinkedIn External link.

The European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) provides information about its work and co-financed projects on its LinkedIn page.

AMIF’s LinkedIn page External link.

On Youtube, films dealing with the various stages of the asylum process are available in several different languages. For example, one film discusses how asylum investigations are conducted.

The Swedish Migration Agency on Youtube External link.

You can submit your own posts and write comments on our posts. We respond to questions and comments during working hours Monday–Friday, but we do not respond to individual cases or other questions concerning individual persons. If you have any personal questions or questions about your case, please contact us using our e-services, by letter or by telephone. Keep in mind that your data may be sensitive and could be covered by rules on confidentiality. So consider this and make sure you choose a secure channel of communication when necessary.

All posts should keep to the matter at hand and maintain a good tone. Be respectful to others, even when they disagree with you.

Face­book and Linkedin

We will not delete anything written by you or anyone else on the Migration Agency's Facebook or Linkedin page, with the exception of activities that

  • are in breach of Swedish legislation or the rules of the social media site
  • contain data that may be sensitive, for example personal identity number, case number, email address or the name of a person who has not agreed to be mentioned publicly
  • contain sensitive personal data in accordance with the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), or which are offensive, seditious or in violation of an individual’s personal privacy
  • lack relevance to the topic of the page
  • may be regarded as spam. Spam is when the same type of post is made with a high degree of frequency by a single user or a small number of users
  • primarily constitutes advertising for promotional purposes by an organisation other than the Swedish Migration Agency.

Repeated breaches of these rules can result in you being block from accessing this site or from using some of its functions.

If you see somebody breaking these rules, we encourage you to report this using the social media site’s own functions.

Respon­si­bi­lity and public docu­ments

Content written on the Swedish Migration Agency’s social media pages may become public domain content. Never publish personal information here, such as your personal identity number, case number or other details that concern individual cases. Instead, contact us by telephone for personal service or by post when communicating personal data.

If anyone other than the Swedish Migration Agency or one of our experts answers your question, we do not take any responsibility for the post.

If you nonetheless ask questions about a case or write personal information that is of significance for the processing of a case, this information will be added to the case.

Personal data controller, legal basis and purposes

It is the social media site itself that is the data controller for data processing that takes place on social media. By registering as a user and making posts, you give consent for the social media site to process your personal data.

The Swedish Migration Agency is the personal data controller for data processing that is undertaken in connection with moderation, analysis, managing tips, managing threats and in cases where personal data must be added to a case.

How the Migration Agency processes personal data

The Swedish Migration Agency uses a case system in order to simply and effectively respond to and manage posts and comments on the Swedish Migration Agency’s social channels. Personal data processing is undertaken with support from the "general interest" legal basis, in accordance with EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Some cases of data processing are also undertaken for journalistic purposes.

The case system reflects the posts that are contained in the Swedish Migration Agency’s social channels. This means that the personal data in the system includes your user name and anything you write in your posts or in your comments. The Swedish Migration Agency does not add any other personal data to the system. We use this system to analyse and monitor the type and scope of questions asked to the agency via social media and to analyse the Swedish Migration Agency’s level of service when it comes to matters such as response frequency and response time, for example.

In certain cases, the Swedish Migration Agency also processes personal data in the form of screen dumps of posts, usually in cases where somebody leaves a tip or a threat that needs to be investigated.

The Swedish Migration Agency ensures the anonymisation of any screen dumps that are taken for training purposes.

The rights set out below concern personal data processing that takes place after a post has been made, i.e. for the purposes of analysis, investigation of tips or threats and concerning personal data that must be added to a case.

The regulations give you the right to request that the Swedish Migration Agency correct or delete any details concerning you if we have processed them incorrectly. You also have the right to receive information about personal data concerning you. Register extracts will be sent to the address registered to you in the central population database.

Request information about personal data

You can contact the Swedish Migration Agency's Data Protection Officer at if you have questions about personal data processing.

You have the right to file a complaint with the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection External link. if you feel that the Swedish Migration Agency is processing your personal data in a wrong or wrongful manner.