Leaving Sweden

Information for people who are leaving Sweden.

Here we have gathered information for people who are going to leave Sweden for various reasons, for example because your application for a residence permit has been rejected and you therefore do not have the right to remain in the country, or because you have decided to move from Sweden.

If your asylum application has been rejected

If your asylum application has been rejected, you must leave the country once the decision has taken effect and can no longer be appealed. This applies both to those who have applied for asylum and those who have applied for an extension of their residence permit. You can find information about what applies, how to prepare for your journey, and how to appeal on this page:

You have received a decision – Asylum

Reestablishment support in your country of origin

If your asylum application has been rejected, you can apply for support to re-establish yourself in your country of origin. There are different types of support, both support measures and financial support.

Reestablishment support

If your application for a residence permit has been rejected

If your application for a residence permit for work or studies, to live with someone or to visit Sweden has been rejected, you must leave the country once the decision has entered into force and can no longer be appealed. This applies both if you applied for a permit for the first time and are in Sweden, and if you applied to extend your residence permit.

You can find information about what applies to you and how to appeal on the following pages:

Work – Your application has been rejected
Study – Your application has been rejected
Live with someone – Your application has been rejected
Visiting Sweden – Your application for a visitor’s residence permit has been rejected

If you do not leave Sweden according to the decision

If you do not leave Sweden according to the decision you have received, and do not cooperate with the Swedish Migration Agency in any other way with regard to your outward journey, we can decide to place you under supervision or in a detention centre.

Supervision and detention

If you want to move from Sweden

If you have a residence permit as a person in need of protection or as a family member to a person with such a permit, and want to move from Sweden, you can apply for financial assistance, a so-called “repatriation grant”.

You have a permit in Sweden – Repatriation grant

More information about what applies if you want to move home or to another country where you have the right to live, and what may be important to consider before moving, can be found on this page:

You have a permit in Sweden – You want to move from Sweden