You are waiting for a decision You have applied for an extension – work

You have applied for an extension of the permit you were granted so you could work in Sweden, and now you are waiting for a decision.

  • Important to know
  • How it works

Log in to My Page

By logging in to My Page, you can access information about your application and use our services.

My Page

You may need to present your passport before you can receive a decision. You can do this at one of the Swedish Migration Agency’s service centres. You only need to do this if we have not already checked it on a previous visit, or if you have received a new passport since you last presented it. Some applicants will be offered the option of presenting their passport in a digital passport check conducted via an app.

If you need to present your passport, we will contact you with information about how and when you can do so.

If you do need to present your passport, you can also provide fingerprints and be photographed for your residence permit card at the same appointment, as we will need to issue you a new card if you are granted an extended residence permit.

Residence permit cards

It is not possible to say exactly how long you will need to wait for a decision. There are many things that affect the waiting time, for example whether your application is complete to begin with or whether we need to request more information.

On the page Waiting times you can see statistics on the average waiting time for different types of applications.

If you applied in the e-service, you will receive an email stating whether your application has been approved or rejected. The decision will be sent to your address in Sweden.

If you have applied on the form, you will receive the decision by post.

If a representative is acting on your behalf, the decision will be sent to them.

When you receive the decision, you can find out the reasons on which we based our decision and learn what to do if you want to appeal. If your application is rejected, you must prepare to leave Sweden.

If you have had a work permit for six months or more and submitted your application before your current permit expired, you may continue to work while you wait for a decision.

If you have had a work permit for less than six months, you are not allowed to work while you wait for a decision.

If you have applied for an extended work permit before your current permit expires, and change jobs before you have received a decision, you can start working at your new job. Remember to submit your new employment contract to the Swedish Migration Agency.

You have a permit in Sweden – If you change employer or profession or stop working

If you travel abroad after you have applied for an extension of your permit and need an entry visa to enter Sweden, it may be difficult for you to return to the country.

Since you must have a valid permit to be able to re-enter Sweden, you may be forced to remain abroad until you have received a new decision.

In case of special events, for example, sudden illness, a death in the family, or important work-related assignments, you can apply for a national visa to enter Sweden before you have received your new residence permit.

You apply for a national visa at a Swedish embassy or consulate-general in the country where you are located, provided that the authority issues entry visas. It is the embassy that makes decisions about national visas, and their decision cannot be appealed.

You can withdraw your application at any time while your case is being processed. Once you have withdrawn your application, you will receive a decision that your application has been dismissed.

You can withdraw your application by sending us a message when you are logged in to My Page, or by sending a letter to the Swedish Migration Agency.

In the message or letter, you must tell us that you want to withdraw your application. You will also need to provide your name, date of birth or personal identity number, case number, telephone number, and address. If you send us a letter, sign it with your signature. If you have applied from within Sweden, you must also attach proof that you have travelled out of Sweden.

If you have granted someone power of attorney, they may withdraw your application on your behalf.

Send the letter to:

Box 3100
903 03 Umeå

If you leave Sweden after your visa, visa-free period or residence permit has expired, we recommend that you take your receipt for the application with you when you leave. The border police are responsible for border controls in and out of to Sweden. You should therefore contact them if you have any questions regarding border controls. Neither the Swedish Migration Agency nor the Border police can give an advance decision on whether you will be allowed to travel back to Sweden. This decision is made directly at the border control.

If you have new information that may affect your application, for example if you have a new passport, married, or had a baby, you should contact the Swedish Migration Agency.

You can visit one of the Swedish Migration Agency’s service centres or send the information by post to:

The Swedish Migration Agency
Box 3100
903 03 Umeå

If you made a mistake when paying an application fee – for example, if you accidentally paid the fee twice – you can get a refund. Contact the Swedish Migration Agency to ask for your money back. If you submitted your application at an embassy or consulate-general, you should contact them instead.

When requesting a refund, you should write

  • your given name and surname
  • your personal identity number or date of birth
  • your address
  • why you want the fee refunded
  • the case or control number to which the fee relates
  • the bank and account number where you want the money to be deposited.

You must also attach a bank statement or receipt where it is clearly visible that you have paid a fee to the Swedish Migration Agency.

Send this information in a letter to:

601 70 Norrköping

If you need to go on a business trip while waiting for a decision on an extension, you can apply for an entry visa known as a “D visa”. If you are visa-free, you do not need a D visa to travel in and out of Sweden.

You must have been granted and received a D visa before you travel, so remember to apply well in advance. It will take two to three weeks to receive a decision. If your application needs to be supplemented with additional information, it may take longer before you receive a decision.

If you have applied for an extension of any of the following types of permits, you cannot be granted a D visa:

  • athlete or coach
  • trainee/intern
  • seasonal worker
  • ICT permits
  • EU Blue Card
  • self-employed person
  • researcher.

How to apply for a D visa

Fill in the form:

Application for national visa (D visa) for Sweden (253011) Pdf, 1.7 MB.

You must attach the following to your application:

  • Copy of your passport.
  • Certificate from your employer showing that you need to make the trip as part of your job. The certificate must describe the purpose of the trip and when it is to take place.
  • Certificate from the person you are going to visit, such as an invitation from a business or organisation, indicating that you are going to make the visit.

Submit the form and the attached documents at one of the Swedish Migration Agency's service centres. You do not need to make an appointment to submit your application.

Visit us

When you visit the Swedish Migration Agency, you must bring your passport and the certificates that you attached to your application. It costs 60 Euros to apply, and the fee is charged in the equivalent amount in Swedish kronor. At the time of your visit, you will be photographed.

The decision will be sent to the postal address you provided in the application. If you are granted an entry visa, we will contact you with information about when and where to visit us to get your visa sticker. If you are granted a D visa, you can take multiple business trips with the same entry visa during its period of validity.



The Swedish Migration Agency's new website has now been launched

On 5 March, the Swedish Migration Agency launched a completely new version of, with a new structure and a more user-friendly navigation. The purpose of the new website is primarily to make it easier for visitors to find the information they need.


New EU Blue Card rules now apply

As of 1 January, new requirements and rules apply for anyone who wants to apply for an EU Blue Card and existing Blue Card holders.