
Here you will find information about what applies to you when it comes to healthcare in Sweden.

Sick care

As an adult asylum seeker, you are entitled to medical care and dental care that is acute and cannot wait. In the case of mental illness, there is also support and help available. Asylum-seeking children are entitled to the same medical and dental care as children residing in the country.

More information about healthcare and where to go if you get sick

Medical advice

At, there is medical advice available in different languages. You can also call 1177 Vårdguiden and receive personal advice from medical professionals 24 hours a day. Those who answer these calls speak Swedish or English. For example, if you are unsure if you should go to a doctor, you can call 1177 and describe how you feel. You can also call to ask other questions about your health or your children's health. External link, opens in new window.


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