If you were granted received a residence permit in Sweden based on grounds of protection, you can always choose to move back home when the situation changes or if the conditions in your country of origin improve. If you want to move from Sweden, you can apply for financial assistance from the Swedish Migration Agency, a so-called “repatriation grant”.
Who can receive a repatriation grant?
You can apply for the grant if you have a temporary or permanent residence permit in Sweden on one of the following grounds:
- as a refugee
- as a quota refugee
- as a person eligible for subsidiary protection
- on the grounds of exceptionally distressing circumstances
- as a family member of a person with a residence permit on any of the above grounds.
Can my family receive a grant?
When you apply for a grant for yourself, you can also apply for the same type of support for your family (your spouse and any children under the age of 18). If there are special grounds, other close relatives who live with you, such as your cohabiting partner or your child over age 18, can also receive a grant.
Who cannot receive the grant?
You are not eligible for a grant if you
- are a Swedish citizen
- come from Ukarine and have a residence permit under the Temporary Protection Directive and come from Ukraine
- have enough money of your own to pay for the journey yourself.
Grant amounts
The grant totals SEK 10,000 per adult and SEK 5,000 per child under the age of 18. A family can receive a maximum of SEK 40,000.
If you receive the grant, the Swedish Migration Agency will also pay for your journey. You cannot get a grant to visit your country of origin or to transport furniture.
What do you need to consider when you apply?
- You must have a travel document in order to complete the trip.
- If you want to move to a country other than your country of origin, you must have been granted permission to live in that country.
- You must have an entry visa (if needed) for the countries you pass through during your journey.
- We will start an investigation to withdraw any protection status when we receive the application.
- When you move from Sweden, the Swedish Migration Agency will revoke your permanent residence permit. If you wish to keep it, you can advise us of this. Read more at You have a permit in Sweden – You plan to travel abroad.
- If you have debts to the Swedish Enforcement Authority, the main rule is that you do not receive the repatriation grant.
How to apply for a repatriation grant
You apply for a repatriation grant by sending in the form “Ansökan om bidrag för resa från Sverige för bosättning i annat land (Application for a travel grant to leave Sweden and take up residence in another country)”. Also attach the required documents. It is important that you submit a complete application.
Ansökan om bidrag för resa från Sverige för bosättning i annat land (4453, only in Swedish)
Pdf, 1.2 MB.
You must attach copies of these documents to your application
Make sure that the information on your submitted documents is clearly visible.