Residence permit after research

If you have a residence permit to conduct research in Sweden and you have completed your research you can be granted a residence permit to seek employment or explore the options of starting your own business. If you have had a residence permit to conduct research in another EU country and have spent time in Sweden during this period and conducted some of your research in Sweden, you can apply for a residence permit to seek employment while you are still in Sweden.

Requi­re­ments for obtai­ning a resi­dence permit

In order to obtain a residence permit after your research

  • you must submit your application before your current permit expires
  • you must have completed your research
  • you must remain in Sweden (a residence permit after research cannot be granted if you have left Sweden)
  • your latest residence permit must have been for research in Sweden or another EU country
  • you must be planning to seek employment or explore the options of starting your own business
  • you must be able to support yourself during your stay in Sweden and be able to pay for your return trip home
  • you must have, or have applied for, a comprehensive healthcare insurance policy that is valid for healthcare in Sweden (if you are not registered)
  • you must have a passport that is valid throughout your entire stay in Sweden (if your passport is about to expire you must extend it, since you cannot obtain a permit for time that exceeds the validity of your passport).

Fees for residence permit

Requi­re­ments for using the e-service

In order to use the e-service, you need

  • copies of the pages in your passport showing personal data, photo, signature, passport number, issuing country, period of validity, entry stamp and if you have permission to live in countries other than your home country
  • confirmation from the principal research body that the research has been completed (if you have not yet completed the research you need to send this to the Swedish Migration Agency once the research has been completed)
  • bank statement from your bank or other documents that show that you have enough money to support yourself during the time for which you are applying for a residence permit
  • copies of documents showing that you have, or have applied for, a comprehensive healthcare insurance policy if you are not registered.

Remember that you must apply for a residence permit while you are still living in Sweden.

Your new application must have been submitted before the previous permit has expired. This applies regardless of whether the permit has been issued by Sweden or by another EU country.

You can only obtain a residence permit that is valid for twelve months. You cannot obtain a permit that is for more or less than twelve months. It is also not possible to extend the permit.

You must have completed your rese­arch in Sweden or in another EU country

If you have had a residence permit for research you must have completed your research in Sweden or another EU country in order to obtain a residence permit after you have completed your research. If you have had a residence permit for research in another EU country, you are required to have lived in Sweden and conducted some of your research here.

To show that you have completed your research you must submit a confirmation from the principal research body that states that the research has been completed. If your research was mainly conducted in another EU country, you must submit a confirmation from the principal research body in that country.

You must be able to support yourself

If you have completed your research, the maintenance requirement is SEK 9,700 per month.

You must enclose a bank statement or other documents showing that you have enough money to support yourself during twelve months. Information about account balance, the account holder’s name and currency must be stated on the bank statement.

You must have, or have applied for, a comprehensive healthcare insurance policy

If you are registered in Sweden you are regarded as having comprehensive healthcare insurance that is valid for healthcare all over Sweden.

If the total consecutive period for your residence permit in Sweden is shorter than one year, you cannot be registered in Sweden. If so, you must have, or have applied for, your own healthcare insurance. The insurance must be valid for the duration of your stay in Sweden and cover costs for emergency medical care or other medical care, dental care and hospitalization. It must also cover costs for transportation home for medical reasons.

If you obtain a residence permit in Sweden to seek employment after completed research, your family may also be granted residence permits for the same time as you. You can apply for your family in your own online application.

In order for your family to be granted a residence permit, it is a requirement that you have obtained a residence permit after you have completed your research and that your family has valid passports. If your family’s passports are about to expire they must extend them since they cannot be granted residence permits for time that exceeds the validity of the passports.

Your family must include

  • copies of the pages in their passports showing personal data, photo, signature, passport number, issuing country, period of validity, entry stamps and if they permission to live in countries other than their home country
  • documents that verify your relation.

Follow your case in My page

If you have made your application in the e-service, you can log in to My page to follow your case and see if you have received a decision.

My page

You may need to show your passport

The Swedish Migration Agency may need to check your passport before a decision can be made. You will then need to visit one of the Swedish Migration Agency's service centres to present your passport.

In some cases, you can have your passport checked digitally, instead of showing it in person.

Read more about the digital passport check e-service

In some cases, you will not be required to present your passport, for example, if we have already checked your passport during a previous visit.

If you need to show your passport, we will contact you with information on how and when to do so.

If your family also applies for a residence permit, the Swedish Migration Agency may need to check their passports as well.

Get photo­graphed and provide your fing­er­prints

If you were not photographed and had your fingerprints taken when you showed your passport, you must book an appointment to provide documentation for your residence permit card at the Swedish Migration Agency. You need to be photographed and provide your fingerprints even if you have previously had a residence permit card since the information cannot be saved. Contact the embassy or consulate-general before your visit.

Read more about residence permit card

Book a time to provide your fingerprints and be photographed for your residence permit card

After the deci­sion

If you are granted a residence permit, the decision will be sent to your home address in Sweden and the residence permit card will be sent to your home within approximately one week.

If the Swedish Migra­tion Agency rejects your appli­ca­tion

If the Swedish Migration Agency rejects your application, that means that you are not entitled to a residence permit in Sweden. You can choose to appeal the decision within three weeks from when you received the notification of the decision. Information on how to appeal can be found in the decision. If you have given someone a power of attorney to represent you, that person can appeal on your behalf.

Read more about how to appeal

If you are still in Sweden when your application is rejected you must leave the country within the time specified in the decision.

Read more about what applies if your application has been rejected and you are still in Sweden

If you find employment in Sweden

If you have obtained a residence permit to seek employment in Sweden you may work during the time that your residence permit is valid. If you get a job you may apply for a work permit in Sweden.

Read more about how to apply for a work permit

If you are unable to apply online you can fill in the form Application for a residence permit to seek work on completing studies or research, 188011.

The application form indicates what documents you need to attach to it.

Send the application to:

Box 3100
903 03 Umeå

Application for a residence permit to seek work on completing studies or research, form 189011 Pdf, 819.3 kB, opens in new window.

Application for a permit for family members of workers, researchers, athletes or coaches and self-employed persons, form 133011 Pdf, 847.4 kB, opens in new window.

In most cases you will need to pay a fee.

Read more about fees and how to pay

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