You are given the following text for information at this stage concerning the rights and obligations that apply in conjunction with a visa application. Then you have to accept the text in conjunction with your visa application.
The text set out below has been taken from the visa application form adopted by the European Commission.
I declare that the particulars given by me in this visa application are correct. Any false statements will lead to my application being rejected or to the annulment of a visa already granted. I am aware of and consent to the particulars and any photograph and, where applicable, fingerprints given by me in my visa application being supplied to the relevant authorities in member states for the purposes of a decision on my visa application.
Decisions about my application will be registered and stored in the Visa Information System (VIS). I have the right to be told what information is registered about me in VIS. To be told what information is registered about me in VIS, I contact
Legal basis
The Swedish Migration Agency processes personal data in accordance with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The Swedish Migration Agency also handles personal data pursuant to the Aliens Data Act (2016:27) and the Aliens Data Ordinance (2016:30). These register statutes also contain provisions stating that the data may be processed without the data subject giving their consent. The Swedish Migration Agency also processes certain personal data under provisions in the Data Protection Act (2018:218). The Swedish Migration Agency sometimes processes personal data pursuant to other EU regulations and directives.
I am aware of and consent to the following:
Compulsory collection of data
The collection of the data required according to the visa application form, photography and, where applicable, the taking of fingerprints are compulsory in the examination of a visa application. All personal data about me stated in the visa application form will, as will my fingerprints and photograph, be sent to the relevant authorities of member states. These authorities process them to enable a decision to be made on my visa application.
Storage of data
These data and data concerning the decision on my application or a decision to annul, revoke or extend a visa issued will be registered in the Visa Information System (VIS) and be stored there for a period of at most five years. During that period the data will be accessible by the visa authorities and the authorities that are competent to check visas at the external borders and in member states and also to the immigration and asylum authorities of member states. The data are accessible in order check that the conditions for legal entry to and stay and residence on the territory of the member states have been met; to identify persons who do not, or who no longer, meet these conditions; to examine an asylum application; and to determine who is responsible for such an examination. In certain circumstances the data will also be accessible to designated authorities of member states and to Europol to prevent, detect and investigate terrorist offences and other serious offences. The following authority in Sweden is responsible for processing the data: Swedish Migration Agency, SE-601 70 Norrköping,
You can also contact the Swedish Migration Agency’s Data Protection Officer
The right to check personal data
I am aware that I have the right to be notified in any member state at all about the data concerning me that are registered in VIS and about which member state has registered the data. I also have the right to request that data about me that are inaccurate are rectified and that those that have been processed unlawfully are erased. At my express request the authority examining my application will inform me as to how I can go about exercising my right to check my personal data and have them rectified or erased, including what legal remedies are available to me under the national legislation of the relevant state. The Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection
External link. (Integritetsskyddsmyndigheten, Box 8114, 104 20 Stockholm) accepts complaints concerning the protection of personal data.
You can use the document Request for register extract, rectification, erasure or restriction of personal data in central systems
Pdf, 1.2 MB.. Submit the request to the authority abroad or the external service provider (VFS) who handled your application.
I declare that to the best of my knowledge all particulars supplied by me are correct and complete. I am aware that any false statements will lead to my application being rejected or to the annulment of a visa already granted and may also render me liable to prosecution under the law of the member state that deals with my application.
I undertake to leave the territory of the member states before the expiry of the visa, if granted. I have been informed that possession of a visa is only one of the prerequisites for entry into the European territory of the member states. The mere fact that a visa has been granted to me does not mean that I will be entitled to request compensation if I fail to comply with the relevant provisions of Article 6.1 of Regulation (EU) 2016/399 (the Schengen Borders Code) and am thus refused entry. The prerequisites for entry will be checked again on entry into the European territory of the member states.