You want to extend Contract or specialisation education

You want to extend your residence permit for contract or specialisation education. You can apply for an extension of any family member’s residence permit at the same time.

  • Important to know
  • How it works
  • Apply

To be able to extend your residence permit for studies, you must apply for an extension before your current residence permit expires. You can apply no more than six months before the permit will expire.

If you will be starting other types of studies than those for which you currently have a residence permit, you should not apply to extend your current permit. In that case, you should submit a first-time application instead. For example, this applies if you have a residence permit for first- or second-cycle studies and will now be starting your doctoral studies.

These requirements must be met in order for you to be granted an extended residence permit:

You must have a valid passport

You must be admitted to full-time studies
You must be finally admitted to full-time studies in Sweden. You cannot be granted a residence permit for distance learning as a form of study.

You must have made acceptable progress in your studies

You must have, or have applied for, a comprehensive health insurance policy
If your total time in Sweden is less than one year, you will need comprehensive health insurance. If you do not have insurance through your higher education institution, you must have or have applied for your own insurance. The insurance must be valid for the entire time you will be in Sweden and cover costs for emergency and other medical care, hospitalisation, and emergency dental care. It must also cover expenses for home transportation for medical reasons.
If your total time in Sweden is longer than one year, you should get listed in the Swedish population register. This will give you access to health and medical care and dental care.

You must be able to support yourself financially
Your means of “financial maintenance” must be sufficient for the entire period for which you are applying for a residence permit, as well as for the remaining period of your current permit. If your family is applying with you, you must be able to support them as well, if they do not have their own means of financial maintenance.

You must attach copies of these documents to your application. Make sure that the information on your submitted documents is clearly visible.

Correctly made copies of your passport
You can never be granted a permit for longer than your passport is valid.
Read more about what the passport copies must show

Certificate of studies from the education provider
The certificate must state that you will continue to pursue full-time studies in Sweden.

If you want to change your education programme, you must enclose a new certificate showing that you will be studying full-time.

Certificate from the education provider showing acceptable progress in your studies

Documents to submit if you have not made acceptable progress in your studies
If you have not made acceptable progress in your studies due to illness or a similar reason, or if your studies have been interrupted, you must submit documents proving this, such as a doctor's certificate if you have been ill. Documents that describe how your study capacity has been impacted.

Documents showing that you have, or have applied for, comprehensive health insurance
If you have been admitted to studies for less than one year and are not listed in Sweden’s population register.

Documents showing that you meet the maintenance requirement
You must attach different documents depending on how you will be supporting yourself financially. If your family will be applying with you, your entire family’s financial maintenance must be arranged. The documents you send in with your application to show that your support for living expenses is secured may not be older than six months unless it concerns continuous income, such as a scholarship.

You must attach a recent bank statement to your application.

The following information must be included on your bank statement:

  • account holder(s)
  • bank name
  • date of issue
  • balance
  • currency.

If permission from a central bank or the equivalent is required to take out the money from your country, you must include such a permit.

You must attach a copy of the scholarship stating

  • who is the scholarship provider
  • that you are the recipient of the scholarship
  • the period for which the scholarship applies and that it is for your studies in Sweden
  • how much money you will receive
  • when the money will be paid out. If you will receive the money on an ongoing basis, information must be provided about when the payments will be made and how large the instalments will be, as well as the total amount
  • how much of the scholarship is intended to cover your living expenses.

You must attach a sponsorship letter stating

  • who is the sponsor or guarantor
  • that you are the recipient of the money
  • how much money you will receive
  • when the money will be paid out. If you will receive the money on an ongoing basis, information must be provided about when the payments will be made and how large the instalments will be, as well as the total amount
  • the period during which you are sponsored
  • how much of the money will be used for your living expenses
  • whether the sponsorship requires some form of performance on your behalf (for example, employment or that you earn a certain number of credits).

You must attach a certificate stating

  • who is providing the student grant or loan
  • that you are the recipient
  • the period for which the grant/loan applies
  • when it will be paid out
  • the monthly amount or total amount for the period of study
  • how much of the student grant/loan is intended for your living expenses.

Documents to attach if your family is applying with you

Correctly made copies of each family member’s passport
Your family member can never be granted a residence permit for longer than their passport is valid.
Read more about what the passport copies must show

Documents showing that the family’s financial maintenance has been arranged

Documents showing your relationship
If you are married: marriage certificate, marriage record, or similar document.

If you are cohabiting partners: documents showing that you have lived together, such as population registration certificates, a joint rental contract, or proof of the joint purchase of a home.

Birth record or birth certificate stating the names of the child’s parents

Consent that the child may move to Sweden
If a child has two parents/legal guardians and the child’s other parent/legal guardian will be remaining in their country of origin, you must attach a statement of consent from the other parent/legal guardian to the application. If you share joint custody, a copy of the other parent or legal guardian’s passport or other identity document must also be attached
Consent for a child to settle in Sweden (217011) Pdf, 1.1 MB.

Sole custody decision
If you have sole custody of your child, you must attach a court decision to this effect. If the other parent is deceased, you must submit a death certificate.

Adoption documents, if your child is adopted

The so-called “maintenance requirement” means that you must show that you have funds (money) available through your own bank assets, scholarship, student grants or loans from your country of origin, or a sponsor. You can combine different forms of financial maintenance in your application.

The maintenance requirement is

  • at least SEK 10,584 per month, if you applied in 2025
  • at least SEK 10,314 per month, if you applied in 2024.

If you can show that you receive free housing and/or food through the higher education institution or an organisation that works for international exchange, the amount per month can be reduced. The monthly amount can be reduced by

  • SEK 2,940 per month for free food and SEK 4,704 per month for free housing, if you applied in 2025
  • SEK 2,865 per month for free food and SEK 4,584 per month for free housing, if you applied in 2024.

If your family applies with you, the monthly amount will be higher. In that case, it will include an additional

  • SEK 4,410 per month for a spouse or cohabiting partner
  • SEK 2,646 per month for each child.

The Swedish Migration Agency assesses your family’s overall ability to support yourselves financially.

Read more about the rules for the different forms of financial maintenance

Having “personal bank assets” means that you have money in an account that belongs to you, and from which only you and your accompanying partner (if any) can withdraw funds. Credit, funds or shares are not approved as personal bank assets. Assets in a microfinance bank are also not approved.

Locked assets, i.e., bank funds that are deposited in an account for a certain period of time, cannot be a basis for financial maintenance if they will be frozen during the permit period for which you are applying.

Scholarships, for example from national authorities, higher education institutions, organisations, foundations, or companies, can be approved as a basis for financial maintenance.

A sponsor is an actor who hosts your stay in Sweden. For example, higher education institutions and other education providers, or well-established companies and organisations, may act as sponsors.

Private individuals are not accepted as sponsors. Money from private individuals, such as relatives, must be registered as personal bank assets. Such funds must then be transferred to a bank account that is in your name and to which you have access.

Student grants or loans that you have been granted to study in Sweden. If the money has already been transferred to your account, the Swedish Migration Agency will assess these funds as personal bank assets.

You can apply for an extension no more than four months before your current permit will expire. You must apply before your current permit expires.

If any of your family members has a residence permit to live with you, you can apply to extend your residence permits together.

You can be granted a residence permit for a maximum of four years, but not for longer than your studies are supposed to last. You can never be granted a residence permit for longer than your passport is valid.

If you are granted a residence permit for the entire duration of your studies, the Swedish Migration Agency will add an extra two weeks to your permit period, to give you enough time to complete your studies and leave the country.

Your residence permit can be extended.

It is not possible to say exactly how long you will need to wait for a decision. There are many things that affect the waiting time, for example whether your application is complete to begin with or whether we need to request more information, or whether we need to check with other authorities when investigating your case.

Here we show statistics on how long it has taken for people who have applied for the same permit as you.

75% of applications receive a decision within:6 months

Adults: SEK 1,500
Children under 18 years of age: SEK 750

The following people pay no fee to apply:

  • students at the World Maritime University (WMU) in Malmö
  • Japanese citizens
  • students who have received a scholarship for studies in Sweden from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), the EU, the Swedish Institute, or Uppsala University’s International Science Programme. The scholarship must be intended to be used for living expenses and not just cover tuition fees. The scholarship must be paid out during the period for which you are applying for a residence permit. The exception does not apply if you receive a salary, for example if you are employed as a doctoral student.

You can be granted a residence permit in Sweden even if you will be spending time in another country during part of the permit period, as long as the stay abroad is part of the education to which you have been admitted in Sweden. If you will be travelling to another country as part of your education, you should contact that country’s authorities to find out what is required to stay in that country.

As a general rule, to be granted a residence permit, you must study full-time. Exceptions can be made for applicants who completed a programme at the end of the spring semester and will continue their studies in a new programme when the autumn semester starts.

No. A residence permit for participation in contract or specialisation education does not give you the right to work in Sweden.



The Swedish Migration Agency's new website has now been launched

On 5 March, the Swedish Migration Agency launched a completely new version of, with a new structure and a more user-friendly navigation. The purpose of the new website is primarily to make it easier for visitors to find the information they need.