You have a permit in Sweden – Live with someone The relationship has ended

You have a residence permit to live with your partner in Sweden, but now the relationship has ended.

If you have a residence permit to live with someone in Sweden with whom you are married, cohabiting, or partners, you must return to your country of origin if the relationship ends. Since the grounds on which you were granted your residence permit no longer exist, the Swedish Migration Agency can revoke your residence permit.

If you want to extend your residence permit

In certain special cases, it is possible to get an extended residence permit when your current permit expires, even if the relationship has ended. Read more about the cases in which it is possible to get an extended residence permit:

In some cases, you can get an extended residence permit even if the relationship has ended, if you have ties to Sweden. Then you need to be able to show that you still have a connection to Sweden in several ways, for example that you live with a new partner, have children who have the right to live in Sweden, have established yourself in the labour market or that you have otherwise adapted to life in Sweden.

You want to extend – Live with a partner

In some cases, you can get an extended residence permit if the relationship has ended because you or your child have been mistreated by your partner. In that case, you or your child must have been subjected to violence or another serious form of violation. The relationship must have been serious from the beginning and not completely short-lived. It must seem very likely that the violations have occurred.

In Sweden, it is a crime to subject someone to violence or other violations. To “violate” someone means to mistreat them, for example by threatening or harming them. If someone uses violence within their family, for example against their child or partner, this is a crime for which they can face jail time.

If you have been subjected to violence or other abuse by your partner, your employer, or anyone else, you should report it to the police. The same applies if your child has been exposed to such mistreatment.

People who subject someone who does not have a permanent residence permit to violence sometimes claim that they can get the person they are victimising deported from Sweden, or that the social services will take away the victim’s children if they report the violence. That is not true. It is the Swedish Migration Agency that decides on residence permits. The social services do not take children away from a person because they have been exposed to violence. On the contrary, social services can act as support and help those affected by such mistreatment.

The Swedish Migration Agency has compiled information and links to authorities and organisations that can help you.

If you need urgent help from the police, call 112 and ask to speak to the police.

Help for those who are living with domestic violence

In some cases, you can be granted an extended residence permit if you risk becoming a social outcast if you return to your country of origin, or if you are seriously ill or have a severe disability.

You want to extend – Live with a partner

If it is not safe for you to return to your country of origin and you need protection in Sweden, you can apply for asylum.

You want to apply – Applying for asylum



The Swedish Migration Agency's new website has now been launched

On 5 March, the Swedish Migration Agency launched a completely new version of, with a new structure and a more user-friendly navigation. The purpose of the new website is primarily to make it easier for visitors to find the information they need.


Now you can see your complete deci­sion on My Page

If you are waiting for a decision from the Swedish Migration Agency, you can now see the complete decision on My page. Previously, you have only been able to see if the decision is positive or negative, and the justification has only been sent home to you in paper format.


Citi­zens of Kazak­hstan, Kyrgyz­stan, Taji­kistan, Turk­me­nistan and Uzbe­kistan will from 2 December 2024 contact the Swedish Consu­late General in Istanbul

Until now citizens of, or persons otherwise legally residing in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, have had their applications for residence- and work permit handled by the Swedish Embassy in Moscow. From December 2 2024 you will instead have your applications handled by the Swedish Consulate General in Istanbul.