Citi­zens of Kazak­hstan, Kyrgyz­stan, Taji­kistan, Turk­me­nistan and Uzbe­kistan will from 2 December 2024 contact the Swedish Consu­late General in Istanbul

Until now citizens of, or persons otherwise legally residing in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, have had their applications for residence- and work permit handled by the Swedish Embassy in Moscow. From December 2 2024 you will instead have your applications handled by the Swedish Consulate General in Istanbul.

Citizens of the above mentioned countries that are legally residing in Russia will still have their applications handled by the Swedish Embassy in Moscow after the above mentioned date.

Appli­ca­tions for resi­dence and work permit

If you are a citizen of one of the countries mentioned above, or otherwise is legally residing in one of them, and want to submit an application for work permit, resident permit for studies or residence permit for family reunification shall from December 2nd 2024 turn to the Swedish Consulate General in Istanbul. The same applies for applicants that have submitted an application before this date but have not yet been in contact with the Embassy in Moscow. All measures related to an application for residence- and work permit such as interviews, passport checks, biometrics and residence permit cards will be handled by the Consulate General from this date.

Contact information to Swedish missions abroadExternal link, opens in new window. External link, opens in new window.

If you have already applied for residence- and work permit and have been in contact with the Embassy in Moscow, i.e have a scheduled interview or is waiting for a residence permit card will have your application completed at the Embassy in Moscow.

Scheng­en visas

There will be no changes with regards to applications for Schengen visas:

  • Applicants legally residing in Kazakhstan will apply at the Latvian Embassy in Kazakstan.
  • Applicants legally residing in Kyrgyzstan will apply at the Hungarian Embassy in Kyrgyzstan.
  • Applicants legally residing in Tajikistan will apply at the German Embassy in Tajikistan.
  • Applicants legally residing in Turkmenistan will apply at the German Embassy in Turkmenistan.
  • Applicants legally residing in Uzbekistan will apply at the German Embassy in Uzbekistan.