You are waiting for a decision You are waiting for a decision regarding Swedish citizenship

You are waiting for a decision about your application or notification to become a Swedish citizen.

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By logging in to My Page, you can access information about your application and use our services.

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It is not possible to say exactly how long you will need to wait for a decision. There are many things that affect the waiting time, for example whether your application is complete to begin with or whether we need to request more information.

On the page Waiting times you can see statistics on the average waiting time for different types of applications.

The Swedish Migration Agency sends the decision to your officially registered address. When you receive the decision, you can find out the reasons on which we based it. If you become a Swedish citizen, you will receive a citizenship certificate.

If you have a child who is granted a residence permit during the processing period and you want your child to become a Swedish citizen together with you, you and the child’s other parent/legal guardian must notify the Swedish Migration Agency of this in a letter signed by you both. This also applies if you have a child who has right of residence in Sweden, or if you have a child who is granted a residence card or resident status during the processing period.

If you change your mind and wish to withdraw your application or notification, you can notify the Swedish Migration Agency by sending a letter or by sending a message via My Page.

In the message or letter, you must tell us that you want to withdraw your application or notification. You will also need to provide your name, date of birth or personal identity number, case number, telephone number, and address. If you send us a letter, sign it with your signature.

If you have given someone power of attorney, that person may withdraw your application or notification on your behalf.

Send the letter to:

601 70 Norrköping

If you have submitted your passport but need it before you have received a decision, you can request to get it back. If you do not need your passport right now, we kindly ask that you wait to request your passport back. Requesting your passport back does not affect the waiting time in your application.

Request to get your passport back

You should not resubmit your passport until the Swedish Migration Agency asks you to do so. We will contact you by letter when we start processing your application and need your passport again.

If it has been at least six months since you applied for Swedish citizenship, you can submit a written request for the Swedish Migration Agency to conclude your case.

When you submit your request to the Swedish Migration Agency, one of the following things may happen:

  • We make a decision about your application for Swedish citizenship.
  • We reject your request to conclude the case. We do this if we believe that we cannot make a final decision about your application for Swedish citizenship within four weeks.

You can only submit one request, on a single occasion, during the time that the Swedish Migration Agency is processing your case. Even if your request is rejected, the processing of your application for Swedish citizenship will continue.

How to submit a request to conclude a case

To request that the Swedish Migration Agency conclude your case, fill in the form:

Request to conclude a citizenship case (301011) Pdf, 638.1 kB.

Sign the form and send it to the Swedish Migration Agency. The address is stated on the form. If you are acting as someone’s representative, you need to attach a power of attorney, unless a power of attorney has previously been submitted in the case.



The Swedish Migration Agency's new website has now been launched

On 5 March, the Swedish Migration Agency launched a completely new version of, with a new structure and a more user-friendly navigation. The purpose of the new website is primarily to make it easier for visitors to find the information they need.