You are waiting for a decision Family of British citizens

You are a family member of a British citizen who has residence status in Sweden and have applied for residence status to move here to live with them.

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By logging in to My Page, you can access information about your application and use our services.

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If you need an entry visa to travel to Sweden, you must apply for it before you enter the country. You submit your application at a Swedish embassy or consulate-general in the country where you live.

Countries whose citizens need an entry visa to travel to Sweden External link.

You want to apply – Visiting Sweden for up to 90 days (entry visa)

The Swedish Migration Agency may need to check your passport or national ID card before we can make a decision. You may therefore need to present your passport or national ID card at one of the Swedish Migration Agency’s Service Centres if you are already in the country, or at a Swedish embassy or consulate-general if you are outside Sweden.

In some cases, you will not be required to present your passport or national ID card. For example, if we have already checked it at a previous appointment, we do not need to do so again.

If you need to present your passport or national ID card, we will contact you with information about how and when you can do so.

A residence status card has a photo of you and a chip on which your fingerprints are stored. You must therefore visit the Swedish Migration Agency as soon as possible to be photographed and fingerprinted, if you have not already done so. To visit the Swedish Migration Agency, you must first book an appointment.

Book an appointment for your visit

If you are outside Sweden and need an entry visa to enter the country, you must apply for it at a Swedish embassy or consulate-general.

If you are in Sweden, the decision will be sent by post to your address in Sweden. If you are outside Sweden, you will receive the decision via a Swedish embassy or consulate-general.

If you have granted someone power of attorney, the decision will be sent to that person, no matter whether you are in Sweden or outside of the country.

The card will be sent by post to your address in Sweden.

As a family member of a British citizen with residence status, you have the right to start working or studying as soon as you arrive in Sweden. You do not need to wait for proof of your residence status.



The Swedish Migration Agency's new website has now been launched

On 5 March, the Swedish Migration Agency launched a completely new version of, with a new structure and a more user-friendly navigation. The purpose of the new website is primarily to make it easier for visitors to find the information they need.