Employers Employing someone who already has the right to work in Sweden

Some people have a residence permit or some other type of permit to live in Sweden that also gives them the right to work. Here you will find information about who does not need to apply for a work permit to start working for you.

If you want to employ someone who already lives in Sweden, they may already have the right to work. The following people do not need to apply for a work permit to start working with you.

An EU/EEA citizen is covered by the right to free movement within Europe and does not need a work permit to work in Sweden.

Anyone who is a family member of an EU/EEA citizen with a right of residence, but who is a citizen of a non-EU/EEA country, may also work without a work permit. However, such family members need to apply for a residence card if they intend to be here for more than three months.

A person with long-term resident status in an EU country can work in Sweden without a work permit for up to three months. If the person intends to stay in Sweden for more than three months, they need to apply for a residence permit as someone with long-term resident status in another EU country. In that case, you should give the person who works for you a certificate of employment. The person can start working before they have received the decision about their residence permit.

You want to employ – Long-term residents in another EU country

A Swiss citizen does not need a work permit to work in Sweden, but must apply for a residence permit if they intend to stay longer than three months. In that case, you should give the person who works for you a certificate of employment. The person can start working before they have received the decision about their residence permit.

You want to employ – Swiss citizens

A person with a permanent residence permit has the right to work with anything they want in Sweden.

People with Swedish citizenship have the right to work with anything they want in Sweden.

A person who has a residence permit to live with a close relative in Sweden has the right to work with anything they want.

A person who has been granted a residence permit based on their need for protection under the EU’s Temporary Protection Directive has the right to work in Sweden. If the person has been in Sweden for less than a year, they cannot get listed in the Swedish Population Register and must therefore be registered as a taxpayer in order to work. As an employer, you therefore need to check whether the employee is registered as a taxpayer with the Swedish Tax Agency.

You want to employ – People with protection under the Temporary Protection Directive

A student who has a residence permit for studies at a university or university college in Sweden may work alongside their studies without a work permit.

People who have been granted a residence permit as researchers may work alongside their research. Teaching or administrative work in the research group is not considered to constitute research.

People who have applied for asylum and been granted a residence permit due to their need for protection, particularly distressing circumstances, or impediments to enforcement have the right to work in Sweden.

British citizens with residence status or Swedish citizenship have the right to work in Sweden. British citizens who are not entitled to residence status must apply for a work permit to work in Sweden.

A person with a valid work permit to work for another employer may start working for you without applying for a new permit, as long as their new position is in the same occupation to which the current permit relates and they have had a permit for more than two years.

If the employee has a permit to work for a particular employer and in a particular occupation, they must always apply for a new permit to change employers and start working for you.

For specific occupational categories, assignments and shorter work, certain individuals may be exempt from the work permit requirement.

Certain people are exempt from the work permit requirement

Verify that the person has the right to be in Sweden

As an employer, you must verify that the person you want to employ has the right to be in Sweden and work here. You must also notify the Swedish Tax Agency of their employment. You do not need to check the person’s right to be in Sweden or notify the Swedish Tax Agency when you employ people who are EU/EEA or Swiss citizens, nor do you need to do so for their accompanying family members.

Forms of proof that a person has the right to be in Sweden and work here may include

  • a residence permit card
  • a copy of the Swedish Migration Agency’s decision granting them a residence and work permit
  • an Asylum Seeker card.

Everyone who has been granted a residence permit has a residence permit card. The card contains information about how long their permit is valid.

In order for the person to be able to work in Sweden, one of the following must be stated on their residence permit card:

  • tidsbegränsat uppehålls- och arbetstillstånd (“temporary residence and work permit”)
  • uppehållstillstånd (residence permit) with the text “Får arbeta” (“Permitted to work”)
  • permanent uppehållstillstånd (permanent residence permit).

If the permit is temporary, check the period for which the permit is valid. Also check any restrictions on occupation and employers under the text “Anmärkningar” (“Notes”) on the card.

Copy of decision

If the employee cannot present a residence permit card, you should insist on seeing the Swedish Migration Agency’s decision granting them a residence or work permit. The decision contains information about the period of validity of the permit, restrictions, and whether the person is permitted to work.

Please note that anyone who has a residence permit has the right to receive a residence permit card. If the person has not picked up their card or has lost it, they should contact the Swedish Migration Agency for a new card.

Notify the Swedish Tax Agency

You notify the Swedish Tax Agency via their form “SKV 1160”. Among other things, you must fill in information about the name, address and employment period of the person who will be working for you.

The Swedish Tax Agency’s notification form External link.

Keep copies of documents that show that the person has the right to be in Sweden and work here. The documents must be archived throughout the employment period and for 12 months after the employment has ended.



The Swedish Migration Agency's new website has now been launched

On 5 March, the Swedish Migration Agency launched a completely new version of migrationsverket.se, with a new structure and a more user-friendly navigation. The purpose of the new website is primarily to make it easier for visitors to find the information they need.


New EU Blue Card rules now apply

As of 1 January, new requirements and rules apply for anyone who wants to apply for an EU Blue Card and existing Blue Card holders.