Employers Certain people are exempt from the work permit requirement

Certain people do not need to apply for a work permit to work in Sweden.

In most cases, citizens of non-EU/EEA countries who want to work in Sweden need a work permit, but there are some exceptions.

People who already live in Sweden with a residence permit

Some people have a residence permit or other type of permit to live in Sweden that also gives them the right to work. These people do not need to apply for a work permit to start working. Employers that want to employ someone who already lives in Sweden can read more about who is covered on the page You want to employ – Employing someone who already has the right to work in Sweden

Persons with a residence permit to come to Sweden to look for work or start a business

People who have been granted a residence permit to look for work or investigate the possibilities of starting their own business can start a job before the decision about their application for a work permit is made. This assumes that the person in question applies for a work permit while they still have a valid permit. The exemption applies only to work within the occupation and for the employer to whom the application for a work permit relates. Read more about this type of residence permit at You want to apply – Look for work or start a business.

Occupational groups that do not need a work permit

People from certain occupational groups can come to Sweden and work without a work permit for a limited period of time.

It is the applicant, alone or together with their employer, who decides whether they are covered by the work permit exemption. The Swedish Migration Agency cannot know in advance whether a particular person is exempt. For this reason, in case of the slightest uncertainty, we recommend that you apply for a work permit.

Keep in mind that citizens of certain countries need an entry visa to travel to Sweden, even if they are exempt from the work permit requirement.

Countries whose citizens require an entry visa to travel to Sweden External link.

Individuals from the following occupational groups can work in Sweden without a work permit

A specialist in an international group who will work temporarily in Sweden for the group for a total of less than one year can work in Sweden without a work permit. If the work will last for longer than three months, the employee must apply for a visitor’s permit.

You want to apply – Visiting Sweden for more than 90 days

What does it mean to be a “specialist”?
The person must be able to show that they have the occupational qualifications and experience or training required for their specialist assignment. It should be possible to show that they have a unique competence and experience, are not easy to replace, or that they have an important task or role within the group.

The exemption does not apply to specialists covered by the ICT regulations.

An employee in an international group who will be participating in a traineeship/internship, internal training or other skills development at a company within the group may work in Sweden without a work permit for a total of three months during a twelve-month period.

A person who will be participating in a training course, conducting tests, preparing or finishing up deliveries, or handling similar tasks within the context of a business deal may work in Sweden without a work permit for a total of three months during a twelve-month period.

Diplomatic or consular officials, along with their family and any service personnel, can work in Sweden without a work permit. It is the Ministry for Foreign Affairs that grants such people a residence permit during their period of employment in Sweden. The work permit exemption usually only applies to employment at the diplomatic mission in question.

Installers or technical instructors who will be assisting with an urgent set-up or the repair of machines can work in Sweden without a work permit for a maximum of two months. The work must be of a crisis nature, i.e. something unforeseen must have happened that requires quick action. If the work is planned or foreseen, a work permit is required.

Persons invited to perform an assignment for Sveriges Radio AB, Sveriges Television AB, Sveriges Utbildningsradio AB, or Nordisk Television AB (TV4 Group/TV4 AB) may work in Sweden without a work permit for a maximum of one month from their date of entry.

Artists, technicians or tour staff who have been invited by an established arranger in Sweden can work here without a work permit for a maximum of 14 days during a twelve-month period.

See the list of established arrangers Pdf, 115.8 kB, opens in new window.

Professional athletes or officials who do not have a contract with a Swedish club and who will be participating in international competitions can work in Sweden without a work permit for three months in a twelve-month period.

Staff on trains or lorry drivers in international professional traffic who are employed outside Sweden can work in Sweden without a work permit. If the work will last for longer than three months, the employee must apply for a visitor’s permit.

You want to apply – Visiting Sweden for more than 90 days

Drivers or staff on board tourist coaches can work in Sweden without a work permit for a maximum of three months.

A representative, such as a sales representative, for a company that does not have a branch or office in Sweden, can work in Sweden without a work permit. However, if the work will last for longer than three months, the employee must apply for a visitor’s permit.

You want to apply – Visiting Sweden for more than 90 days

A person who is employed as a caregiver for someone who is visiting Sweden for a maximum of three months in order to receive care or for recreational purposes can work in Sweden without a work permit for a maximum of three months.

Researchers or teachers in higher education who will be participating in research, teaching or lecture activities can work in Sweden without a work permit for a total of no more than three months in a twelve-month period.

Researchers with a residence permit for research in another EU country, but who will be performing part of their research for an approved research organisation in Sweden, can work in Sweden without a work permit for a maximum of 180 days in a 360-day period.

However, if the work will last longer than three months, the researcher must apply for a permit for research with extended-stay mobility.

You want to apply – Researchers

A person who will be working temporarily in Sweden in connection with construction or a similar activity can work here without a work permit during the period of the temporary work, as long as they

  • live in an EU/EEA country or Switzerland, without being a citizen
  • have permission to work and reside in the country where they live
  • are employed by a company in that country and will temporarily work in Sweden on behalf of the company.

If the work will last for longer than three months, the employee must apply for a visitor’s permit.

You want to apply – Visiting Sweden for more than 90 days

Journalists reporting from Sweden on behalf of a foreign news agency, without being employed in Sweden, can work in Sweden without a work permit. However, if the work will last for longer than three months, the employee must apply for a visitor’s permit.

You want to apply – Visiting Sweden for more than 90 days

Witnesses or injured parties in a criminal investigation may work in Sweden without a work permit if they have received a residence permit due to their status as a witness or injured party.

A person participating in a relief effort in the event of a disaster or accident in Sweden can work in Sweden without a work permit for the duration of the relief effort.

People with a residence permit for mobility studies tied to higher education in Sweden or another EU country and who will be spending time in Sweden as part of their education can work in Sweden without a work permit for a maximum of 360 days.

A member or civilian personnel of a foreign armed force who is in Sweden for the purpose of an international military cooperation or crisis management covered by an agreement with Sweden may work in Sweden without a work permit during their period of service.

Foreign supplier involved in defence cooperation

A foreign supplier, or a person employed by such a supplier, covered by the Defence Cooperation Agreement between Sweden and the United States may work in Sweden without a work permit.

Close relative of a member of the US Armed Forces or of its civilian personnel

Close relatives of a member of a US Armed Force or of civilian personnel covered by the Defence Cooperation Agreement between Sweden and United States may work in Sweden without a work permit.



The Swedish Migration Agency's new website has now been launched

On 5 March, the Swedish Migration Agency launched a completely new version of migrationsverket.se, with a new structure and a more user-friendly navigation. The purpose of the new website is primarily to make it easier for visitors to find the information they need.


New EU Blue Card rules now apply

As of 1 January, new requirements and rules apply for anyone who wants to apply for an EU Blue Card and existing Blue Card holders.