Employing someone who is already in Sweden
The main rule is that a person whom you plan to employ must have a work permit before entering Sweden. Under certain circumstances, they can apply for and obtain a permit after entering Sweden.
They can apply in Sweden if they
- started the employment when he or she was an asylum seeker with so-called AT-UND and has now had his or her asylum application rejected
- have a residence permit to attend a college or university and have completed studies corresponding to 30 higher education credits or completed a semester of postgraduate education, and the application for a work permit is submitted within the validity period of the previous permit
- have a residence permit to look for work or explore the possibilities for starting a business and the application is submitted within the validity period of the permit
- has had a residence permit to conduct business activities and the conditions for that permit have been met and he or she submits an application to the Swedish Migration Agency before the permit expires
- came to Sweden to see you for a job interview, etc. This applies only if there is great demand for workers in their occupation
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- have applied for asylum and have been granted a temporary residence permit. This also applies to people who have a temporary residence permit due to particularly or exceptionally distressing circumstances, or impediment to enforcement
- want to extend their current work permit and the application is submitted before the validity period expires
- need to apply for a new work permit because they are switching occupations or employers
- have a temporary residence and work permit because they have been married or cohabiting partners and the relationship has ended. Assuming they apply before their previous permit expires, they can continue working or start a new job while waiting for a decision
- has an EU blue card, ICT permit, ICT permit for mobility for longer stays or permit for seasonal work, issued by Sweden.