You have received a decision Your application has been approved

Your application for a residence permit to live with someone in Sweden has been approved. The information on this page applies to both those who have been granted a permit for the first time and those who have been granted an extended permit.

Once you have been granted a residence permit, you will get a residence permit card. This card is proof that you have permission to be in Sweden. You need to be photographed and fingerprinted for the card, unless you already did this when you applied or when you presented your passport. If you have family members who have applied with you, they must also be photographed and fingerprinted.

You need to be photographed and fingerprinted for your residence permit card, if you have not already done so. When you should do so depends on whether you need an entry visa to travel to Sweden.

Countries whose citizens need an entry visa to travel to Sweden External link.

If you need an entry visa to travel to Sweden, you must get fingerprinted and photographed at an embassy or consulate-general and then wait for your residence permit card to be ready before you can travel to Sweden. When you visit the embassy, you must bring your passport with you.

When you travel to Sweden, you must present your residence permit card together with a valid passport.

If you do not need an entry visa to travel to Sweden, you can get fingerprinted and photographed at one of the Swedish Migration Agency’s service centres after you have arrived in Sweden.

Book an appointment for your visit

You need to be photographed and fingerprinted for your residence permit card. You must do this even if you have had a Swedish residence permit before, because this information is not saved. You can do this at one of the Swedish Migration Agency’s service centres.

Book an appointment for your visit

It can take up to four weeks after you have submitted documentation for your residence permit card before it is ready. If you are outside Sweden, you can pick it up at the embassy or consulate-general. If you are in Sweden, it will be sent to your registered address.

If you are granted a residence permit for more than one year, you should register in Sweden’s population register and get a Swedish personal identity number. If you need to seek care in Sweden, you may have to pay for it yourself if you are not registered in the population register and don’t have a Swedish personal identity number.

Read more about population registration on the website of the Swedish Tax Agency External link.

We have compiled information and links that may be useful for people who have recently moved to Sweden.

About Sweden – for new arrivals

If you have been granted a residence permit to live with someone in Sweden, your children under the age of 18 can also be granted a residence permit.

If you have been granted a permanent residence permit, in rare cases other close family members who are dependent on you can also be granted a residence permit.

During the period in which your permit is valid, you can travel in and out of the country. However, if you leave Sweden, you must have both a valid passport and your residence permit card to be able to return here.

Yes, in certain situations, the Swedish Migration Agency can revoke a permit. For example, this applies in these cases:

  • if you provided incorrect information in your application or did not tell us about something of significance to your residence permit
  • if the conditions for the permit are no longer met, for example if the relationship that was the basis for your permit has ended or if you have moved from Sweden.

If your application for a permanent residence permit has been approved, you can read more on the page You have received a decision on permanent residence permit.

If your application for a permanent residence permit has been rejected but you have been granted a temporary permit, you can apply for a permanent residence permit the next time you want to apply for an extension.

If your situation changes while you have a residence permit

Read about what you may need to do if something changes in your situation while you are in Sweden with a residence permit:

You have a permit in Sweden – Live with someone



The Swedish Migration Agency's new website has now been launched

On 5 March, the Swedish Migration Agency launched a completely new version of, with a new structure and a more user-friendly navigation. The purpose of the new website is primarily to make it easier for visitors to find the information they need.


Now you can see your complete deci­sion on My Page

If you are waiting for a decision from the Swedish Migration Agency, you can now see the complete decision on My page. Previously, you have only been able to see if the decision is positive or negative, and the justification has only been sent home to you in paper format.


Citi­zens of Kazak­hstan, Kyrgyz­stan, Taji­kistan, Turk­me­nistan and Uzbe­kistan will from 2 December 2024 contact the Swedish Consu­late General in Istanbul

Until now citizens of, or persons otherwise legally residing in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, have had their applications for residence- and work permit handled by the Swedish Embassy in Moscow. From December 2 2024 you will instead have your applications handled by the Swedish Consulate General in Istanbul.