If you have a permanent residence permit, you leave Sweden for up to a year and still keep your residence permit.
If you are away for more than a year, the Swedish Migration Agency can revoke your residence permit. However, you can be away from Sweden for up to two years if you submit a notification that you wish to keep your permanent residence permit. If you do not return and settle in Sweden after two years have passed, we can revoke your residence permit.
Register to keep your permanent residence permit
To apply to keep your permanent residence permit, fill in the form
Notification of desire to retain permanent residence permit (187011, only in Swedish)
Pdf, 636.9 kB..
Print and sign the form and send it to us. Send it to this address:
601 70 Norrköping
Your notification must be received by the Swedish Migration Agency no later than one week before you leave Sweden. If your trip is cancelled, you must notify the Swedish Migration Agency no later than the day you originally planned to travel.
If you are planning to live outside Sweden for a year or more, you must also report this to the Swedish Tax Agency.
Moving away from Sweden – The Swedish Tax Agency
External link.