As a general rule, you must be able to support yourself financially. If you do not earn your own money or have other assets, you can apply for financial aid from the Swedish Migration Agency. There are two forms of financial aid for which you can apply: daily allowance and special grants. However, if you are listed in the Swedish Population Register, you are not entitled to financial aid from the Swedish Migration Agency.
Married and cohabiting couples share responsibility for the family's finances. This means that the Swedish Migration Agency will also take your partner's income into account when assessing whether or not you have the right to financial aid.
Let us know if your financial situation changes
You must inform the Swedish Migration Agency if your financial situation changes, for example, if you or your partner gets a job. It is a criminal offence not to inform us that you or your partner are earning money at the same time as you are paid a daily allowance. Your right to a daily allowance may also be affected if you move. You must always notify the Swedish Migration Agency if you move to a new address.
Notify the Swedish Migration Agency if you leave the country
If you move to another country, you must notify the Swedish Migration Agency. If you are not listed in the Swedish Population Register and have theIf you return to Sweden, you can apply for financial aid again.
You lose the right to grants when you become listed in the Swedish Population Register
Once you have had a residence permit with temporary protection , you must report your move to Sweden to the Swedish Tax Agency, which will then decide if you can be listed in the Swedish Population Register. Once you are listed in the Swedish Population Register, you will no longer be entitled to financial aid from the Swedish Migration Agency. Instead, you are entitled to the same benefits and aid as everyone else who resides in Sweden. You may instead have the right to financial aid and benefits from, for example, the Swedish Social Insurance Agency, the Swedish Pensions Agency, or the municipality where you live.
The Swedish Migration Agency checks that you do not receive financial aid in another country
The Swedish Migration Agency therefore checks in an EU-wide database whether you have protection under the Temporary Protection Directive in another country. The national authorities in that country will then stop providing you with aid. Similarly, if you receive protection under the Temporary Protection Directive in another EU country, you are no longer entitled to accommodation and financial aid in Sweden.
Read more about how the Swedish Migration Agency handles your personal data