Employers The employee's application has been approved

The person you want to employ has received a positive decision regarding their application for a work permit or residence permit to work in Sweden.

If you want to see the information that is aimed at the employee, you can visit the page You have received a decision – Your application has been approved – Work

A person who has been granted a work permit has the right to work in the occupation and for the employer specified in the decision. An employee who has been granted a permit for at least one year should get listed in the Swedish Population Register.

As an employer, you are responsible for saving copies of documents that show that an employee has the right to be in Sweden and work here. You may need to present them as proof that you have carried out the checks required of employers. You must archive the documents throughout the employment period and for 12 months after the employment is terminated.

Notify the Swedish Tax Agency

When you employ a citizen of a non-EU/EEA country, you must notify the Swedish Tax Agency of their employment. Use the Swedish Tax Agency's form SKV 1160, in which you fill in information about the name, address and employment period of the person who will be working for you.

The Swedish Tax Agency’s notification form External link.

You may be required to report changes to the terms of employment (reporting obligation)

Employers in certain sectors may be obliged to report to the Swedish Migration Agency if the terms of employment of their employees who have work permits worsen. This duty is known as the “reporting obligation”.

The Swedish Migration Agency may decide to impose the reporting obligation in connection with its decision to grant a work permit. In that case, we will notify the employer about this.

If you have received a decision imposing the reporting obligation, but despite this do not report any worsened terms of employment, you may be sentenced to a fine or imprisonment.

If the terms of employment worsen to such an extent that they no longer meet the requirements for a work permit, the Swedish Migration Agency may revoke the work permit.

Submit your report about worsened terms of employment in writing to the Swedish Migration Agency no later than one month after the worsened terms of employment have begun to be applied.

Submit a report at one of our service centres, or send it by post to:

The Swedish Migration Agency
Box 3100
903 03 Umeå

The notification should bear the heading “Anmälan om försämrade anställningsvillkor” [“Notification of worsened terms of employment”] and include the following:

  • company name and company registration number
  • the employee’s full name and case number
  • a description of any worsened terms related to salary/wages, insurance coverage and other terms of employment
  • a copy of the agreement to the new terms.

The Swedish Migration Agency can carry out follow-up inspections

The Swedish Migration Agency can carry out inspections during a work permit’s ongoing period of validity, so-called “follow-up inspections”. During the follow-up inspection, we check that the employee has received the salary/wages and insurance coverage that were the basis for granting the permit.

In the event of a follow-up inspection, the employer must provide information about salary/wage payments and the employee’s insurance coverage. When you provide this information, you give your word of honour that it is accurate. The Swedish Migration Agency may impose a penalty payment if you do not provide the information we have requested.

If we discover, during a follow-up inspection, that the terms of employment that formed the basis for the permit have not been met, we will initiate a case for the withdrawal of the permit.

An employee who chooses to change employer during the period in which we are investigating whether their work permit application should be revoked has four months to apply for a new work permit for their position with the new employer.

If anything changes during the permit period

If something changes while the employee is employed with you, such as a change in their terms of employment, this may affect the employee’s right to be in Sweden.

Read more on the page During the employment period



The Swedish Migration Agency's new website has now been launched

On 5 March, the Swedish Migration Agency launched a completely new version of migrationsverket.se, with a new structure and a more user-friendly navigation. The purpose of the new website is primarily to make it easier for visitors to find the information they need.


New EU Blue Card rules now apply

As of 1 January, new requirements and rules apply for anyone who wants to apply for an EU Blue Card and existing Blue Card holders.