How to login and use our e-services

There are multiple ways for persons to log in and use the Swedish Migration Agency’s e-services.

Persons who have e-identification (BankID or Mobile BankID) can use it to log in and get information about their application.

To be able to get a Swedish e-identification you need to have a Swedish personal identity number, and be registered in the Swedish population register.

BankID and Mobile BankID

BankID – if you use BankID installed on the computer that you log in from.

Mobile BankID – if you use BankID installed on a phone or tablet.

To get a BankID you must contact your bank. How to order a BankID differs between banks.

What is e-iden­ti­fi­ca­tion and Mobile BankID?

You use e-identification to authenticate your identity and sign documents in e‑services. BankID is a type of e-identification that most banks use, and which is available in a version for mobile devices.

You can install e-identification on your computer, smartphone or tablet. If you have it on a mobile device, it is called Mobile BankID. With Mobile BankID you can log in to any computer as long as you have your smartphone or tablet with you.

Who can get e-iden­ti­fi­ca­tion?

In order to get an e-identification you need to have a Swedish civic registration number and be registered as a resident in Sweden.

How do I get e-iden­ti­fi­ca­tion?

If you have an internet bank, you can log in and download your e-identification. It is free.

Read more about BankID External link.

If you already have an account, you can log in using a username and password. The account was created when you made your online application.

Create a new account

If you don’t have an account you need to create one. The created account can be used for e-services at the Swedish Migration Agency. Select the log in method "Username and password", and click on "Create new account". Enter your email address and choose a password. You will receive a code sent to your email address, which you need to enter to proceed.

When you create your account, you can choose two-step verification. This increases the level of security on the account and provides greater access to information on My Page. If you choose to enable two-step verification, you will also be asked to enter your phone number. A code will be sent to you via text message. Enter the code to proceed.

Your account is now created.

To be able to log in with two-step verification, you need to be able to receive text messages. Text message traffic may stop working, temporarily or permanently, and you may need to change the phone number on your account to sign in again.

For you who want to log in with your professional e-identification from the municipality or region.

Some points to check if you have problems logging in:

  • Are the card and the card reader connected to your computer?
  • Do you have Net iD installed on your computer?
  • Is your certificate on the card still valid?
  • Does your organization use an outgoing web proxy that inspects the TLS/SSL traffic? The login to * does not work if the traffic is inspected. This can be checked by viewing the web certificate in your browser. Click the padlock in the address bar and view the certificate. The certificate must be valid for and must not be issued by your own organization.
  • Test if you can login to the SITHS Test Page External link..

If you still have problems please contact the Swedish Migration Agency's Contact Centre.

If you are inactive and do not log out yourself, you will automatically be logged out after 30 minutes. Inactivity may mean, for example, that you did not click a button or link, but were only reading or writing text without saving.

Remember to close the browser if you are using a public computer, so that no one else can access information about you.