Extending a residence permit under the Temporary Protection Directive

You have a residence permit in Sweden according to the Temporary Protection Directive and wish to stay in Sweden.

You can apply to extend your residence permit under the Temporary Protection Directive if you wish to stay in Sweden. If your residence permit expires in 2025, you must apply during the application period 29 January–4 March 2025. This also applies to those who have been registered in the Swedish national population register.

Please notify the Swedish Tax Agency if you change your address so that we can reach you. If you are not registered in the population registry, you must notify your new address to the Swedish Migration Agency instead.

E-service for exten­sion of resi­dence permit under the Tempo­rary Protec­tion Directive

Apply for an extended residence permit External link, opens in new window.

Requirements to be granted an extended residence permit

These requirements must be met in order for you to be granted an extended residence permit with temporary protection under the Temporary Protection Directive.

  • You must be covered by the Temporary Protection Directive
  • You must have a residence permit in Sweden according to the Temporary Protection Directive
  • You must be located in Sweden.

Read more about who is covered by the Temporary Protection Directive

If your residence permit expires in 2025, you must apply during the application period 29 January–4 March 2025. If you submit your application in the e-service no later than 4 March, you have applied on time, even if you have an appointment to have your photograph and your fingerprints taken later. If you apply for an extension of your residence permit on time and are still enrolled in one of the Migration Agency’s reception units (that is, you are not registered with the population registry yet), you retain your right to accommodation and financial support while you wait for a new decision.

If you apply too late

If you apply too late, i.e. after your residence permit has expired, you must apply for protection again and you may not work again until you have received a new residence permit. If you have financial support from the Swedish Migration Agency, you lose the support and must apply for it again.

You can apply for yourself, up to two adult co-applicant family members, and up to ten children under the age of 18 to whom you are a parent/legal guardian. Children can only be co-applicants to their own parents/legal guardians.

Please note that you cannot apply at the same time for family members who are applying for a residence permit for the first time. Everyone you apply for must already have a residence permit that expires on the same date as yours.

Children without a parent or legal guardian can use the e-service themselves and should apply only for themselves, not with others. The child's appointed guardian does not need to confirm the application.

Obtain the case number of all the people for whom you are applying

You need to have the case number for each person you apply for. The number is on the residence permit card or in the upper right corner of the decision from the Swedish Migration Agency.

Image of residence permit card. The case number is circled on the image.

Image of residence permit card. The case number is circled on the image.

You do not need to attach any documents to your application. You do not need valid identity documents to obtain an extended residence permit, but if you have ID documents, you should bring them with you when you later visit the Swedish Migration Agency to have your photograph and fingerprints taken.

It costs nothing to apply for an extended residence permit under the Temporary Protection Directive.

If you are granted an extended residence permit under the EU’s Temporary Protection Directive, your permit will be valid until 4 March 2026. Before that date, you will receive information about what you must do when your residence permit expires.

If the security situation in Ukraine improves so much that the EU decides that the Temporary Protection Directive should be repealed before 4 March 2026, the Swedish Migration Agency will revoke your permit. If that happens, you will be informed about it before the permit expires.

If you are not registered with the population registry and cannot arrange your accommodation on your own, you are entitled to assistance from the Swedish Migration Agency when you have applied for a residence permit under the Temporary Protection Directive.

Read more about accommodation

If you are not registered with the population registry and do not have your own money, you may also be entitled to financial support from the Swedish Migration Agency.

Read more about financial support

If you need help, you can always contact the Swedish Migration Agency and let us know, even if you have previously arranged your accommodation or support yourself.

In order to apply using the e-service, you must have BankID or an email address and a mobile phone. You will also need the case numbers of all the people for whom you are applying. You do not need to attach any documents or passport copies.

If you apply for a residence permit extension for your family at the same time, you can add:

  • up to 2 adult co-applying family members
  • up to ten children under the age of 18 for whom you are the parent/legal guardian.

If the family consists of more people than this, you need to make several applications. Each person can only make one application in the e-service.

Children can only be co-applicants to their own parents/legal guardians. Children without a parent or legal guardian can use the e-service themselves and should apply only for themselves, not with others. The child's legal representative does not need to confirm the application.

You can log in to the e-service with BankID or with an account.

If you have BankID

If you have BankID, you can log in and apply by clicking the Mobile BankID or BankID buttons under the heading E-identification. You can do this even if you created an account and password the last time you applied.

If you do not have BankID

If you do not have BankID, log in via the Username and password button under the heading Account. You log in to the account with a user name (your email address) and a password, as well as a code that is sent to your mobile phone every time you want to log in.

If you have previously applied for the e-service, you should log in using the same user name (your email address), password and mobile phone number as then.

If you do not have the same mobile phone number, you will need to call Technical Support. They will help you update the number or delete your old account.

You can also choose to create a new account with a different email address and your new mobile phone number.

To contact Technical Support, call the Swedish Migration Agency at 0771-235 235, press 1 for Contact Centre, and then 7 for Technical Support. You can call Monday–Friday 9:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.

Once you have applied to the e-service, you will receive an email confirming that you have applied. The email contains the names of all the people for whom you have applied.

You will also receive an email with a confirmation of your booked appointment to be photographed and provide fingerprints.

Each person for whom you have applied will also receive their own confirmation letter by post that the Swedish Migration Agency has received the application. The letter contains the person’s name and case number, as well as information that they are entitled to accommodation and financial support as long as they are still enrolled in one of the Migration Agency’s reception units. This letter can be good to have if you need to prove to an authority or employer that you have applied for a residence permit.

In order to receive a residence permit card as proof that you have the right to be in Sweden, you need to have your photograph and fingerprints taken.

You booked an appointment to be photographed and fingerprinted in the e-service for extended protection and received an email with booking confirmation. If you have applied for several family members, everyone must come to the appointment.

If you have not yet been registered with the population registry, you can contact your reception unit if you need financial support for the trip to the Migration Agency.

It usually takes a few weeks for the Swedish Migration Agency to check that you are entitled to protection under the Temporary Protection Directive. We will contact you if we need more information.

When the decision has been made, we will send it to you by post. The decision will tell you whether you have been granted a residence permit or if your application has been rejected. Everyone you have applied for will be have a decision sent to them.

Please notify the Swedish Tax Agency if you change your address so that we can reach you.

Make your notification of moving (change of address) to the Swedish Tax Agency External link, opens in new window.

If you are not registered with the population registry, you must notify your new address to the Swedish Migration Agency instead by sending the form Address Notification or Change of Address (Mot93) to the nearest reception unit.

Address Notification or Change of Address, Form Mot93 Pdf, 631.9 kB, opens in new window.

How to complete the form Address Notification or Change of Address (Mot93)

When you receive the decision, you can find out the reasons on which we based it. If your application is rejected and you are currently in Sweden, you must prepare to leave the country.

You can use the My Page e-service to see how your case is progressing and whether a decision has been made.

Sign in to My Page

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