Residence permit for trainees with ties to higher education
Companies, universities, authorities and organisations can receive trainees for training that has ties to the trainee’s education.
Requirements for residence permit
In order for the trainee to be granted a permit, the trainee must
- have received a degree from higher education (define) within two years before the application or be pursuing an educational programme that leads to such a degree
- have a valid passport
- have received a written agreement on training (the training must have ties to the trainee’s education)
- have, or have applied for, comprehensive health insurance (if the trainee will be in Sweden for a maximum of one year).
An agreement on training must contain
- the content of the training (description of the training, what the goal of the training is and what educational components it includes)
- the length of the training
- the working and supervision conditions
- the times for the training
- the legal relationship between the trainee and the training host in Sweden.
Checklist of what is to be in an agreement on training Pdf, 315.4 kB, opens in new window.
Requirements for using the e-service
In order for those who work for the company, provider of higher education, authority or organisation that will receive the trainee to use the e-service and provide information about the employment, you need
- an internship agreement
- an e-identification to provide information about the employment
- to know the email address of the trainee.
If you use the e-service, you are given clear instructions on how provide information about the employment and what you have to send in with it. It is easy to do it right from the beginning, which increases your chances of getting a decision faster.