Employing highly qualified staff (EU Blue Card)
If you, as the employer, want to employ highly qualified staff, the employee can apply for an EU Blue Card. The employee must have the equivalent of 180 credits of tertiary education or five years' professional experience and a salary that is the equivalent of at least 1,25 times the average gross salary in Sweden.
Requirements for obtaining an EU Blue Card
As the employer, you must
- provide information on a qualified job that lasts for at least six months
- submit an employment contract
- pay a salary that is the equivalent of at least 1,25 times the average gross salary in Sweden
- fulfil conditions of employment that are at least at the same level as Swedish collective agreements or what is customary in the profession or industry
- give the relevant trade union the opportunity to comment on the conditions of employment
- have advertised the position in Sweden and the EU/EEA and Switzerland for at least 10 days.
- intend to provide health insurance, life insurance, occupational injury insurance and occupational pension insurance when the employee begins to work.
Requirements for using the e-service
In order to use the e-service and provide information about the employment, you must
- have an e-identification
- know the email address of the person you want to employ.
If you use the e-service, you are given clear instructions on how to provide information about the employment and what you have to send in with it. It is easy to do it right from the beginning, which increases your chances of getting a decision faster.