
Contact us

Here you will find different ways to contact us. You can log in and send us messages via My Page or send us emails via a form. You can also find phone numbers and addresses for us. You can also book an appointment for your visit and order forms.

Before you contact us

When will I receive a deci­sion?

The Swedish Migration Agency cannot say exactly when you will receive your decision. All applications are different and take different lengths of time. The Time to decision service contains information about waiting times and statistics.

You cannot get more information about the expected waiting time in your case by calling, e-mailing or visiting the Swedish Migration Agency.

How long it takes to get a decision depends on several things. Waiting times are affected how many applications the Swedish Migration Agency processes. Different applications also require different types of investigations.

Before we can reach a decision in your case, the Swedish Migration Agency may need to carry out one or more of the following steps:

  • Check documents, data, and passports.
  • Occasionally ask questions and request more information.
  • Carry out checks with other authorities.
  • Conduct an interview at an embassy (only certain types of applications).
  • If the application is for an extended residence permit, we need to ensure that the conditions for the new permit are met, but also that they have been met during the previous permit period.
  • If several family members apply at the same time, the waiting time for one family member may be affected by the processing of another family member’s application (only certain types of applications).

There are certain factors that the Swedish Migration Agency cannot influence, such as how long it takes to obtain information from other authorities or carry out investigations or checks via them.

Waiting for a decision can be stressful, and the Swedish Migration Agency is constantly trying to shorten the waiting times.

If you have submitted an online application and have created an account on My Page, you can see current information about your application, such as whether the application has been registered with the Swedish Migration Agency, whether it needs to be supplemented, or whether a decision has been made.

General, step-by-step information about how an application is processed and frequently asked questions can be found on the relevant web page for the application you have submitted; see the links below:

Frequently asked questions about the Temporary Protection Directive

Frequently asked questions from EU/EEA citi­zens and long-term resi­dents

Frequently asked questions about moving to someone in Sweden

Frequently asked questions about Swedish citizenship

Frequently asked questions about work permits

Frequently asked questions about visiting Sweden

Frequently asked questions about studying in Sweden

Frequently asked ques­tions about exten­sion of tempo­rary resi­dence permits for former asylum seekers and their fami­lies

If you can’t find the answer to your question, you are welcome to contact us.

Contact us

Time to decision service contains information about waiting times and statistics. You cannot get more information about the expected waiting time in your case by calling, e-mailing or visiting the Swedish Migration Agency.

We will contact you if we need any more information from you. In that case, you will be contacted by post or e-mail, depending on whether you applied via a paper form or made an online application. If you have a representative who is representing you in your case, that person will be contacted instead. If you have an account on My Page, any request by the Swedish Migration Agency to supplement the application will appear there.

If you or your representative (if you have a representative) have not been contacted, we ask that you wait to send more documents than the ones you submitted when you made your application. You will not receive a decision faster by submitting more documents or documents that we have not requested.

If your circumstances change

There are occasions when it may be relevant to send information to the Swedish Migration Agency, even if you have not been asked to do so. This applies when the conditions for your ongoing application or current permit have changed. For example, if

  • the relationship on which your ongoing application or permit is based has ended
  • you resign or are dismissed from a job on which your ongoing application or permit is based
  • during the processing of your application, you receive a new passport from your country of origin that is not the same as the one you had when you submitted your application.

You can send updated documents or documents that show the change to the Swedish Migration Agency. You can find our postal addresses here: Postal addresses

Frequently asked ques­tions

We are happy to answer your questions via My page, by phone, email or at one of our service centres. Before contacting us, we recommend that you read our FAQ to see if you can get your question answered here on the website.

You can manage your case in My page

Log in to My page to find information about your case.

Logotyp Europeiska unionen – asyl-, migrations- och integrationsfonden.

Log in to My Page

Call us

You can call our Contact Centre to get answers to general questions and to questions in ongoing cases. If you know the name of the person you are looking for, the switchboard can connect you to that person.

Telephone number

Telep­hone hours

Contact Centre: Monday–Friday 09.00–15.00

Switchboard: Monday–Friday 09.00–15.00

See the best time to call us

Email us

Send messages from My Page

If you have questions about your case, you can log in to My Page using e-identification to send you question to us.

Read more and log in to My Page

Email us general ques­tions

You can email via our questionnaire if you have general questions about our operations.

Email the Swedish Migration Agency

Submit forms and other docu­ments to us

Most applications can be made online. If you have already submitted an application, we will contact you if we need more information from you.

If you have submitted an application, we will contact you if we need additional information from you. You will receive the information on how to submit the information we need.

If you need to submit a form or document to us by post, you should use different addresses, depending on the type of case the document concerns.

Send documents to the following addresses

Here you will find all of our forms

Visit us

You can visit one of our offices to take care of certain matters or get answers to questions. In many cases, you need to book an appointment before visiting us. Which office you should contact depends on what type of case you have.

Find our offices

At our offices you can, among other things

  • apply for an alien's passport or a travel document
  • collect or extend LMA cards
  • apply for a special allowance.
Addresses and opening hours of our offices

Book an appoint­ment

For certain matters you need to make an appointment before visiting us. This applies, among other things, if you are going to pick up your LMA card, apply for a special allowance and if you are from Ukraine and have submitted an application in the e-service and are going to pick up your residence permit card.

Book an appointment before you visit us

E-services and technical support

The Swedish Migra­tion Agen­cy's e-services

Most applications can be completed online. You can also log in to My Page to get more information about your case.

List of our e-services

Tech­nical support

If you experience technical problems with our e-services, you can contact our technical support.

Technical support

Order forms or docu­ments from us

You can order copies of documents in your case or request original documents you submitted with your application. You also have the opportunity to access public documents with us and request information about what personal data we process.

All of the Swedish Migration Agency's forms can be downloaded to a computer as a pdf. It is also possible to order the forms by post.

Order forms or documents from us

Here you will find all of our forms

Follow us on social media

The Swedish Migration Agency is available on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Youtube.

The Swedish Migration Agency in social media


Last updated: 2024-04-15