You have a permit in Sweden – Protection under the Temporary Protection Directive Accommodation – Temporary Protection Directive

Information about accommodation for people who have applied for or received a residence permit under the Temporary Protection Directive.

Once you have applied for protection under the Temporary Protection Directive, you can choose to arrange accommodation on your own, or be offered a place at one of the Swedish Migration Agency’s accommodations. If you are listed in the Swedish Population Register, you are responsible for arranging your own accommodation.

Living in your own accommodation

If you choose to arrange accommodation on your own, you will need to pay the accommodation costs yourself.

You must notify the Swedish Migration Agency of your address if you arrange your accommodation on your own. To do so, send the “Adressanmälan eller adressändring” [Notification of address or change of address] form to the nearest Unit for Reception:

Adressanmälan eller adressändring [Notification of address or change of address] (Mot93, only in Swedish) Pdf, 692.6 kB.

1. Personal details

Fill in the names, phone numbers, and case numbers of all the people who are moving to the new address, including children.

2. Registered/New address


Enter the name of the person whose name is on the door of the residence/postbox. If your own name is on the door/postbox, you do not need to provide a c/o.

Street address:
Enter the name of the street on which the residence is located.

Apartment number:
If you live in an apartment, please specify the apartment number of the apartment, which consists of four digits. You can find the apartment number in the entrance of the building, on the door to your residence, on the postbox, or on your contract.

Postal code and town/city:
Postal code and town/city.

The address is valid from (enter the year, month and day):
Please indicate the date from which your new address applies; enter the year, month, and day.

3. Other information

Here you can provide information of which you think the Swedish Migration Agency should be aware.

4. Signature

If the change of address applies to more than one adult, the form must be signed by all persons over 18 years of age.

Submit or send the form to your Unit for Reception.

You can find the addresses of the Swedish Migration Agency’s Units for Reception on the contact details page:

Postal addresses

Living in Swedish Migration Agency accommodation

If you do not have your own accommodation, the Swedish Migration Agency can offer you a place in a temporary accommodation. You do not get to choose where you will live. You will be assigned housing where there are places available. You will then be assigned to an accommodation in a municipality. This may mean that you need to move to another municipality.

It may take up to a month before you receive an offer to move to an accommodation arranged by the municipality.

If you decline to move to the housing offered to you by the municipality, you must arrange your accommodation on your own.

If you first arrange your accommodation on your own, but your situation changes so that you later need help with accommodation, you should contact the Swedish Migration Agency by visiting your Unit for Reception, a Swedish Migration Agency Service Centre, or an office that receives applications for protection under the Temporary Protection Directive.

Visit us

If you have your own money, you must pay for your accommodation

If you have your own money, for example if you work or have other assets, you must pay for the accommodation arranged by the Swedish Migration Agency or the municipality. Inform the Swedish Migration Agency about your financial situation when you ask for help with accommodation.

Married and cohabiting partners have a responsibility to provide for their partner if the partner lacks their own money. Parents are responsible for their children’s financial support. If only one partner has an income, they pay for the entire family’s accommodation and any food.

You must inform your Unit for Reception if your family's income changes. If it appears that you have made money without telling the Swedish Migration Agency, we can decide that you must pay for rent and possibly food retroactively, that is, for a period back in time.

How much you pay for your accommodation depends on whether food is served at the accommodation. If you are a family, the cost is determined by the number of family members.

Accommodation fee

Adults: SEK 2,100 per person per month.

Children: SEK 1,050 per child per month. You only have to pay for up to two children, even if there are more than two children in your family.

Fee for food, when meals are included

In some accommodations, meals are served in a shared dining area. If you live in an accommodation where food is provided, you must pay for the food every month, even if you sometimes choose not to eat the food that is served.

If food is served at the accommodation, then in addition to the cost of your accommodation, you must pay (per person and month):

  • Single adult: SEK 1,410
  • Cohabiting and married couples who live together: SEK 1,260
  • Children up to 3 years of age: SEK 750
  • Children aged 4 to 10: SEK 930
  • Children aged 11 to 17: 1,140 SEK
  • Young adults aged 18–20 who live with their parents: SEK 1,260.

You must pay for the cost of food for all children in the family.

Exemptions from fees

In some cases, you do not have to pay for food and accommodation. This applies when the money you have left after you have paid for food and accommodation falls below a certain limit, the national standard for income support. Please tell your Unit for Reception about your financial situation. They will then help you figure out whether or not you need to pay for your accommodation and food.

Here you can read about how the national standard for income support is calculated (only in Swedish) External link.

Different types of accommodation

The types of accommodation provided by the Swedish Migration Agency and the country’s municipalities vary. You might live in an apartment where you cook your own food, be assigned a room and share a kitchen with many others, or be placed in a larger accommodation where the food is served in a common dining room.

Anyone who needs help with accommodation must be prepared to share a room with other people. The family members always get to live together. Single people will share a room with others of the same sex, but people with special needs may get to live alone. Due to the risk of allergies and infection, pets are usually not allowed in Swedish Migration Agency accommodations.

The Swedish Board of Agriculture’s travel guide for bringing dogs and cats to Sweden External link.

Adapted accommodation

If you are in a particularly vulnerable situation, you may be entitled to accommodation that is adapted to your needs. For example, this may be the case if you have a disability, suffer from physical or mental illness, or are LGBTQIA+, pregnant or elderly. Talk to your Unit for Reception as soon as possible if you have special needs regarding your living situation.

Once you have been listed in the Swedish Population Register

Once you have been listed in the Swedish Population Register and gotten a Swedish personal identity number, you will no longer be entitled to accommodation and financial aid from the Swedish Migration Agency. Instead, you will have some of the same rights to help from the Swedish social security system as other people living in Sweden. If you live in one of the Swedish Migration Agency’s temporary accommodations, the municipality will help arrange a new accommodation for you. Some municipalities have municipal housing agencies where you can apply for housing. The municipality can also give you tips about private landlords.

The website contains information about what it means to be listed in the Swedish Population Register and the support to which you may be entitled External link.



The Swedish Migration Agency's new website has now been launched

On 5 March, the Swedish Migration Agency launched a completely new version of, with a new structure and a more user-friendly navigation. The purpose of the new website is primarily to make it easier for visitors to find the information they need.