Some artists, their technicians and other tour staff may work in Sweden for up to 14 days during a twelve-month period without applying for a work permit, if the arranger is included in the Swedish Migration Agency’s list of established arrangers. If you are an established arranger and want your business to be included in the list, you must submit an expression of interest.
Requirements to become an established arranger
The Swedish Migration Agency considers an arranger to be established if
- its operations are financially stable in the long term
- Its arrangements with artists or groups from non-EU/EEA countries recur each year
- the arranger pays salaries/wages or fees in accordance with signed agreements.
How to register your interest
The Swedish Migration Agency’s list of established arrangers is updated twice a year. You must submit your expression of interest by 1 February or 1 August. If your expression of interest arrives after these dates, you will have to wait until the next update takes place.
You notify us of your interest by filling in the form:
Intresseanmälan om att bli upptaget på Migrationsverkets förteckning över etablerade arrangörer [Expression of interest to be included in the Swedish Migration Agency’s list of established arrangers] (178011, only in Swedish)
Pdf, 1.2 MB.
You must attach the following to your expression of interest form:
- financial statements from the last two years showing that you have stable finances
- programme sheets or similar documentation from arrangements you have had, if any such papers exist
- contracts for joint arrangements or similar, if any.
Post your expression of interest with the necessary documents to
The Swedish Migration Agency
Permit Unit 2
Box 1087
405 23 Gothenburg
Once we have received your expression of interest
It is the Swedish Migration Agency that decides to update the list of established arrangers (Arrangörsförteckningen). In our assessment, we look at such factors as financial conditions, insurance, and how the arranger has handled work permit matters in the past. In order for us to make an overall assessment of your financial activities, in most cases your business needs to have been conducted for long enough for an annual accounts statement to have been prepared. If necessary, we collect information from other organisations and national authorities.
Before we make a decision, a reference group is given the opportunity to submit comments. The reference group consists of the Swedish Public Employment Service’s “Kultur Media” division and representatives from relevant trade unions, interest organisations and employers’ organisations.
After the decision
You will receive written notification of the decision.
If you are included in the list of established arrangers, you are responsible for informing us if your contact details change or if you no longer have a need to be included in the list. Notify us of any changes by sending an email to
Please note that we can remove an arranger from the list if the requirements are not met.
The Swedish Migration Agency’s list of established arrangers, MIGRFS 2025:3
Pdf, 115.8 kB, opens in new window.