Employers Asylum seekers

You want to employ an asylum seeker who has AT-UND and is thus exempt from the work permit requirement.

The proof that an asylum seeker is exempt from the requirement to have a work permit is called “AT-UND”. Asylum seekers with AT-UND may therefore work in Sweden while waiting for a decision regarding their asylum application. If you employ an asylum seeker, you have an obligation to regularly check the employed asylum seeker’s right to work.

If the asylum seeker has AT-UND, this must be stated on their Asylum Seeker card, the so-called LMA card. “LMA” stands for “Lagen om mottagande av asylsökande”, which translates to “the Act on Reception of Asylum Seekers”. An Asylum Seeker card shows that the person is an asylum seeker.

The Asylum Seeker card has a QR code that you can scan to see if the card is valid and if the asylum seeker has AT-UND. No other personal information about the asylum seeker is displayed, and the search is not logged. The information on the card is updated digitally, and you always get up-to-date information when you scan the card.

The check is easily done with a QR reader, such as a smartphone or hand scanner for a cash register. If you do not have access to a QR reader, you can check the card on the web using the unique URL located on the back of each card.

Scan the QR code regularly to ensure that the person you have employed still has the right to work in Sweden.

When you employ an asylum seeker, you must fill in the form:

Anmälan om anställning eller upphörande av anställning av asylsökande [Registration of employment or end of employment of an asylum seeker] (152011, only in Swedish) Pdf, 2 MB.

Send the form to the Swedish Migration Agency unit for reception with which the asylum seeker is registered. You must also notify the Swedish Migration Agency when the employment is terminated.

Addresses of the Swedish Migration Agency’s units for reception

You cannot pay salary/wages to the bank card that an asylum seeker receives from the Swedish Migration Agency.

However, an asylum seeker has the option to open their own bank account. There is an agreement between the Swedish Migration Agency and most major banks in Sweden that makes it easier for an asylum seeker to open a bank account, even though the person’s identification documents are in the possession of the Swedish Migration Agency. Under this agreement, the asylum seeker can present certified copies of their identification documents and the bank branch then contacts the Swedish Migration Agency to get the information confirmed. However, it is always up to each bank branch to decide whether or not to accept the documents. Some banks also require the applicant to be able to present a certificate of employment in order to open a bank account.



The Swedish Migration Agency's new website has now been launched

On 5 March, the Swedish Migration Agency launched a completely new version of migrationsverket.se, with a new structure and a more user-friendly navigation. The purpose of the new website is primarily to make it easier for visitors to find the information they need.


New EU Blue Card rules now apply

As of 1 January, new requirements and rules apply for anyone who wants to apply for an EU Blue Card and existing Blue Card holders.