Employers Person with a residence card

You want to employ a citizen of a non-EU/EEA country who is the family member of an EU/EEA citizen who lives in Sweden.

Anyone who is a citizen of a non-EU/EEA country, but who is a family member of an EU/EEA citizen with a right of residence in Sweden, does not need a work permit to work in Sweden. If the person will be in Sweden for more than three months, they must apply for a residence card.

The person does not need any documents from their employer when applying for a residence card.

As long as the EU/EEA citizen has the right of residence, a family member of an EU/EEA citizen may start working right away and does not have to wait for a decision regarding their application for a residence card.

Fotokopia av ett uppehållskort.



The Swedish Migration Agency's new website has now been launched

On 5 March, the Swedish Migration Agency launched a completely new version of migrationsverket.se, with a new structure and a more user-friendly navigation. The purpose of the new website is primarily to make it easier for visitors to find the information they need.


New EU Blue Card rules now apply

As of 1 January, new requirements and rules apply for anyone who wants to apply for an EU Blue Card and existing Blue Card holders.