Employers Inspections during the employment period

The Swedish Migration Agency can carry out inspections of the employer to verify that the terms of employment continue to be met.

As an employer, you need to meet certain requirements in order for a person to be granted a work permit to work for you. Once you have employed a person who has been granted a work permit to work for you, it is important that the requirements continue to be met throughout the permit period.

The Swedish Migration Agency can therefore carry out so-called “follow-up inspections” during a work permit’s ongoing period of validity. We then check that the employee has received the salary/wages and insurance coverage that were the basis for the permit.

In the event of a follow-up inspection, the employer must provide information about salary/wages payments and the employee’s insurance coverage. If you do not provide the information we request, you may be fined.

If the terms are not met

If we discover during a follow-up inspection that the terms of employment that formed the basis for the permit are not met, we will start an investigation into whether we should revoke the permit.

An employee who chooses to change employer during the period in which we are investigating whether their work permit application should be revoked has four months to apply for a new work permit for their position with the new employer.



The Swedish Migration Agency's new website has now been launched

On 5 March, the Swedish Migration Agency launched a completely new version of migrationsverket.se, with a new structure and a more user-friendly navigation. The purpose of the new website is primarily to make it easier for visitors to find the information they need.


New EU Blue Card rules now apply

As of 1 January, new requirements and rules apply for anyone who wants to apply for an EU Blue Card and existing Blue Card holders.