Visby – National Govern­ment Service Centre

Visit Visby service centre

If you live in or near Visby, you are welcome to visit Visby service centre for help with your questions.

The help you can get at the service centre includes

  • use digital services
  • receive support in the application
  • get information about rules
  • print documents and forms
  • submit paper documents that are forwarded to the Swedish Migration Agency (for example forms or copies of supplementary information).

Opening hours and information about Visby service centre External link.

If you cannot get help at Visby service centre, you will be referred to the right office at the Swedish Migration Agency.

Visit the Swedish Migra­tion Agen­cy in Stock­holm

If you have a question about an ongoing case or want to apply for an alien's passport or travel document, we refer you to the Swedish Migra­tion Agen­cy's Service Centre in Stockholm – Sundbyberg.

Or if you have applied for or want to apply for a residence permit under the EU’s Temporary Protection Directive, can turn to our reception in Stockholm – Sundbyberg.

The Swedish Migration Agency's Service Centre in Stockholm – Sundbyberg