About the Swedish Migration Agency Our sustai­na­bi­lity work

As a public authority, we have a responsibility to contribute to sustainable development. Sustainability aspects are present in several parts of our organisation: both external efforts directed towards the people we meet, and internal ones incorporated into our employees' daily work and in our procurements.

We are committed to reducing our negative environmental impact, promoting social responsibility, and upholding high levels of legal security and ethics in our operations. Our internal sustainability goals encompass all three dimensions of sustainability: economic, social and environmental.

We have a sustainability policy and a sustainability plan that map out the strategic direction for the Swedish Migration Agency's sustainability work.

In 2023, we produced our first sustainability report (only in Swedish) Pdf, 1.9 MB.

Our contri­bu­tion to Agenda 2030

Agenda 2030 aims to eradicate poverty and hunger, reduce human impact on the climate, combat inequalities within and between countries, and build peaceful, just, and inclusive societies. All national actors (governments, national authorities, private companies, and other organisations) play a central role in the implementation of the agenda and are expected to contribute to the achievement of its objectives.

The Swedish Migration Agency is making a positive contribution to achieving several of these global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To do this in a structured way that enables both follow-up and communication of the agency’s efforts, we can tie our work to the global SDGs.

Our main focus is on these SDGs:

  • Goal 10 – Reduced inequalities
  • Goal 16 – Peace, justice and strong institutions.

Seven more SDGs are relevant to us:

  • Goal 3 – Good health and well-being
  • Goal 5 – Gender equality
  • Goal 8 – Decent work and economic growth
  • Goal 11 – Sustainable cities and communities
  • Goal 12 – Responsible consumption and production
  • Goal 13 – Climate action
  • Goal 17 – Partnership for the goals.

Sustai­nable deve­lop­ment

The accepted definition of sustainable development is “development that meets the needs of the present without jeopardising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”.

The Brundtland Report, UN, 1987