Senior management
The Swedish Migration Agency is headed by Director-General Maria Mindhammar. The Senior Management constitutes a forum for strategic management of the organisation.
The Swedish Migration Agency is led by a Director-General and a Deputy Director-General. The agency is divided into three regions and a number of departments. In addition, there are also a number of independent functions.
The organisation that processes applications for residence permits is divided into three main processes: Asylum, Permits and Service. Under these main processes there are also a number of subprocesses.
It is important that people who have contact with us obtain the guidance and service that they need, from when their application is submitted and throughout the whole of the subsequent process. Our intention is that good service and treatment will be part of all our activities. For this reason we have a special process for applicant services.
Our operational activities are organised into three geographical regions: North, West and South. Within each region there are units that receive asylum seekers and examine different types of applications for residence permits.
Operational activities also include a National Operations Department.
Our head office consists of the Senior Management, the Director-Generals staff and departments supporting the operational activities: Digitalisation and Development Department, Planning Department, Legal Affairs Department, Communication Department, Security Department and Human Resources Department. The head office is located in Norrköping.
The Internal Audit and the EU fund administration are independent functions that report directly to the Director-General.
The Swedish Migration Agency's registration number: 202100-2163
The Swedish Migration Agency's official email address: