About the Swedish Migration Agency Inter­na­tional coope­ra­tion

Migrationsverket har i uppdrag av regeringen att fördjupa det europeiska och internationella samarbetet, och samarbetar med flera internationella organisationer och deltar i ett flertal gränsöverskridande samarbetsnätverk.

Key partner orga­ni­sa­tions

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) External link. is an important partner for the Swedish Migration Agency, particularly with regard to the resettlement of quota refugees, but also in the work with various protection issues and international recommendations in the field of migration.

International Organisation for Migration (IOM) External link. provides support to the Swedish Migration Agency in connection with return and practical cooperation with regard to resettlement.

International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) External link. has a central role involving support and secretariat functions for the international migration dialogues, the Budapest Process and the Prague Process. The Swedish Migration Agency's cooperation with the ICMPD takes place primarily within the framework of international projects.

Forums for colla­bo­ra­tion and networks

Intergovernmental Consultations on Migration, Asylum and Refugees (IGC) External link. is an informal forum where officials in different countries can discuss and exchange information on issues of asylum and migration. IGC compiles inquiries, provides statistics and organises meetings on different themes.

General Directors' Immigration Services Conference (GDISC) is a network for the European migration authorities in order to facilitate practical cooperation between the authorities. GDISC serves as a forum for discussing European cooperation with a focus on practical issues and operational cooperation in the field of migration. Today, all 28 EU member states, as well as Iceland, Norway, Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Macedonia, Switzerland and Turkey, are included in the network. Kosovo has observer status.

The Nordic Aliens Committee is a forum where the Nordic countries' directors-general meet twice a year to discuss common challenges, leadership and development issues and to inform about the development within each authority and in the area of migration in each country. The authorities set up, as necessary, working groups in which the Swedish Migration Agency's experts participate.