About the Swedish Migration Agency EU agen­cies

EU legislation is implemented not only by EU Member States; there are also many different EU authorities, EU agencies, that apply and implement EU law. The agencies also support EU Member States in implementing EU law.

The EU agencies that are of relevance to the Swedish Migration Agency are EUAA, eu-LISA and Frontex.


EUAA, the European Union Agency for Asylum, shall improve the practical implementation of the common European asylum system. The agency was previously called the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) and was given a new mandate through a new regulation that came into force in January 2022. The agency is headed by a Managing Director and has a board where the Deputy Director-General of the Swedish Migration Agency is a member.

EUAA has several different functions and provides, among other things, operational and technical assistance to EU countries. The agency also coordinates the work of EU countries in producing joint analyses and guidance on country of origin information. These must be able to function as an aid in the assessment of asylum applications and at the same time work for greater uniformity in the application of the common asylum rules. EUAA also develops training (ETC) in the asylum and reception process.

Read more about the EUAA, European Union Agency for Asylum External link.


eu-LISA is the EU agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. The agency is responsible for the management of EU’s common IT systems used by police and migration authorities. The systems of relevance to the Swedish Migration Agency are Eurodac (a system used in the asylum process) and VIS (a system used for the handling of visas). eu-LISA has a directorate with a number of subordinated advisory groups. The Swedish Migration Agency is represented through an alternate member of the directorate and has delegates in two advisory groups, one in Eurodac and one in VIS.

At eu-LISA, we strive to ensure that the technical standards developed at EU level are in line with those used by the Swedish Migration Agency so as to streamline our operations and minimise costs at home.

Read more about eu-LISA External link.


The largest of the three agencies is Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency. Currently, the Swedish Migration Agency’s cooperation with Frontex is focused primarily on repatriation.

Through Frontex, the Swedish Migration Agency contributes monitors to ensure that people who are forcibly returned to their country of origin have their fundamental rights met. The Swedish Migration Agency also books some repatriation journeys through Frontex.

Read more about the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, Frontex External link.