You can be listed in the Swedish Population Register after two years of temporary protection

The EU has decided that the Temporary Protection Directive will be extended for another year. This means that if you have had temporary protection for two years, you can be listed in the Swedish Population Register.

If you have had a residence permit with temporary protection for two years, you must notify the Swedish Tax Agency of your move to Sweden. The Swedish Tax Agency will investigate your identity and how long you have lived in Sweden, and then decide whether you can be listed in the Swedish Population Register.

The right to more social support

Once you have been listed in the Swedish Population Register and received a Swedish personal identity number, you will no longer be entitled to help with accommodation and financial support from the Swedish Migration Agency.

Read more about what it means to be listed in the Swedish Population Register and what support you may be entitled to. External link, opens in new window.

How to become listed in the Swedish Popu­la­tion Register

For the Swedish Tax Agency to be able to list you, they need to know who you are, where you live, your family situation, and how long you have had a residence permit in Sweden.

When you notify the Swedish Tax Agency that you have moved to Sweden, you must present, among other things, your residence permit card and the Swedish Migration Agency’s decisions of residence permit. Attach the decisions you have to your notification. If you are missing any documents, you must tell the Swedish Tax Agency when you received your first residence permit. If the Swedish Tax Agency needs to have this information confirmed, they can contact the Swedish Migration Agency. You do not need to contact the Swedish Migration Agency to get new copies of your decisions. If you have Freja eID, you can submit all your documentation digitally.

Read more about what is required to get listed in the Swedish Population Register and submit your notification at External link, opens in new window.