Here you will find information about what applies to you when it comes to accommodation in Sweden.
Own residence or Swedish Migration Agency accommodation
As an asylum seeker, you can choose between arranging fpr accommodation on your own or living at one of the Swedish Migration Agency’s accommodations. If you arrange for accommodation on your own, you will cover your own housing costs. If you live at the Swedish Migration Agency's accommodation, you do not have to pay anything if you do not have any money of your own.
In Sweden, there are laws that regulate waste sorting. They exist to protect people and the environment and to conserve energy and natural resources.
When you sort your trash, you take care of hazardous substances safely and materials can be recycled into new products. That means that no matter where you live, you have to sort your trash and throw it away in different places.
The waste that is most often sorted is food waste, combustibles, plastic, glass, metal, paper packaging and newspapers. Click here for more information about this:
Sweden Waste Portal | External link, opens in new window.
Different municipalities may have different rules regarding waste sorting. Information about what applies in your municipality can be found on the municipality's website.