Citizenship – for stateless children born in Sweden
Here you will find information about what is required for a child, who was born in Sweden and has been stateless since birth, to become a Swedish citizen.
Requirements for citizenship
To become a Swedish citizen through notification, these requirements must be met. The child must
- have been born in Sweden
- have been stateless since he or she was born (it is not enough for the child’s citizenship status to be unknown)
- be less than 18 years old
- have a permanent residence permit*, residence status, right of residence, or a residence card
- live in Sweden.
*The requirement for a permanent residence permit does not apply if the child
- has lived in Sweden for five years without interruption, or for a total of ten years, and
- has a temporary residence permit as a refugee or person eligible for subsidiary protection, based either on ties to someone in Sweden, due to particularly distressing circumstances, or because of impediments to enforcement.
The notification must be made by the child’s parent(s)/legal guardian(s). If the child has more than one parent/legal guardian, all their parents/legal guardians must sign the notification. Children who have reached the age of 12 must consent to becoming a Swedish citizen by signing the notification.
You may need to pay a fee.
Not everyone who applies needs to pay a fee
Requirements for using the e-service
To use the e-service, the following is necessary:
- you as the parent/legal guardian must have an e-identification
- children 12 and up must have an e-identification
- you as the parent/legal guardian must have an email address
- you as the parent/legal guardian must be able to pay by card.
Children 12 and up must sign the notification with an e-identification. If the child (12 or older) does not have an e-identification, you need to submit a form.