Tips for employers

Are you an employer and will be recruiting employees from outside of the EU? On this page, we give you tips on what is especially important to keep in mind to get a smooth and efficient process with as short processing time as possible – so that you can get the right qualifications here on time. If you hire highly qualified workers and the Swedish Migration Agency receives a complete application, the case can be handled within 30 days.

  • Make sure that the person you want to hire has a valid passport from their home country where the person's signature is visible.
  • Make sure that there is a statement from the union regarding the employment. It is you as the employer who sends information about the employment to the relevant trade union.
  • You must provide the right insurance for the person you want to hire. A requirement for a work permit is that there is health insurance, life insurance, occupational injury insurance and occupational pension insurance.
  • Make sure that the person you want to hire provides correct details about their accommodation, if required. This applies to first-time applications where there is an accompanying family and to all applications for extension where a permanent residence permit is applied for at the same time.
  • Keep in mind that the person you want to employ must complete their part of the e-service before the application can be submitted and registered.

Do you need help before your recruitment? Welcome to contact our staff who are information officers for work permits!

Contact us for support when recruiting highly qualified workers

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